Are you fit enough to beat a 26yo female UFC fighter? Pic related

Are you fit enough to beat a 26yo female UFC fighter? Pic related.

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She would kick my ass. I am not ashamed to admit.

>Just got the shit kicked out of me by a woman! Hang loose brah!

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I'd rather she beat me if I'm honest.

I wish she would wrestle me down and sit on my face while i struggle. Then rape me

It's all about the first hit. If that's good then you'll win. She probably landed a good surprise hit on his jaw and beat him while he was on the ground.

>meet amateur ufc fighter at club
>we chat shit about alcohol in italian and dance
>lifts up her shirt and holds my hand against her abs
>invites me back to her place
>snort K and massage each other for an hour
>she rides me like the rodeo is in town
>next morning she tells me shes lesbian

I would demolish any women in a fight and im 5'11 and 120 lbs

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Having sex with a woman who could literally beat the fuck out of me whenever she wanted is on my bucket list.

Rip. Enjoy your medical bills.