22, never had a gf or been on a date

22, never had a gf or been on a date...

300K NW.

I can’t fucking tell if im winning or losing in life...

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I'm trans btw

post body

Can’t im fat.

do it so we can motivate you

How money?
I want money
Tell me how money

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Losing because you’re trans

You cash in on chainlink just now

22 is still really young. you can easily change around your dating life, physical appearence, etc. don't worry. how did you make so much money? i will probably never save that much.

I may be poor but at least I get prime pussy hahahahahaahah money is overrated for happiness anyways

I Invest rather than save.

Nobody cares about networth, its always been looks (face n body) > money until your mega-rich.

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>>>>>>>>> Zig Forums

What does this have to do with fitness?

Care to share, user? Share some information on how to make extra cash? I wanna make it, too (we all do).

I never had a relationship with anyone ever, except maybe middle school but we didnt do anything couples do

Actually now that I think about it, my bully kissed me in the head one day and I ever only kissed a girl on the cheek because she asked me to,no girl has kissed me as far as I remember

Even then Im still a complete chad considering the amount of girls that wanted to fuck me in high school, I didnt fuck any though because i didnt want to drop out because of a bastard child or get into a long relation so early

what good is all that money if you're still depressed

Would it not be better to have half of that and be happy ?

Money for the sake of money is a pointless goal

>cares about money so much he centers his life and character around it
you are loosing

OP here, honestly IDK i'm considering killing myself if money can't make me happy, everyday I feel like is more and more shittier.

can you send me some before you kick the bucket?
I need money to visit this asian bitch in 2021

It's simple really. Just take 10% of your earnings every paycheck and put it in VWUAX.

As a 21 uni student with 35k in GICs in the bank, how can i start investing and making more profit? Dividends? Whats the "sticky" for investment and profit

Dividends are kind of dying out, you want a growing company that focuses on reinvesting their profit into more $$$.

That how amazon and all these companies are doing it, instead of giving a dividend they just reinvest everything back which increases the share prices. In a way it almost works like a dividend but you don't get taxed on it twice.

bro. you're lonely i get it. Start trying to talk to women. But remember you gotta learn to be happy without one. Dont make her you're sole reason for happiness. I believe in you OP were all gonna make it

The economy and society as a whole has failed if a snot nosed suicidal teenager can earn 200k without going out of his mom's basement.

seethe more nigger.

Can you just tell us how you made that money? One of the greatest gifts a man can partake in is sharing information and passing it down. It's honestly one of the best things about having a child -- you getting to share your wisdom and the stories and teachings that you don't get to share with other people because it would come off as preachy.

Do the same here. Share with us your wisdom for making so much money in your 20s. We want to learn from you, user.

chainlink nigguh, go read the Zig Forums archives.

If you dont want the money send it to me and be happy

This. If you're "nice house in the suburbs with a BMW in the driveway" rich, nobody gives a fuck.

The only way to outrun bad looks is to be "penthouse in Manhattan with an Aston Martin parked at the Hamptons house" rich.

This is coming from an older user who has achieved nice house in the burbs mode.

Oh and heres my bitcoin address OP, sending me 1 BTC would do me a solid


Wont be for nothing though, read "how to make friends and influence people" and listen to earl nightingale's "the strangest secret in the world" every day, you will get a girlfriend if you practice what you learn with those two

If youre not larping and do send the BTC or something similar, I can help you further, hell, if you do send the 1 BTC I can go hunt women with you for free if you come here in my city

Meant to quote