Have a bump, leaving for my first boxing class in five minutes
Luis Hernandez
What stretches should i do for the front splits? Last time i went too agressive and fucked my left tendon up probably permanently.
Lincoln Barnes
> Be interested in martial arts for a while > Finally quit stalling and go to a test session > Was brutal as expected because I'm not in shape > After training, ask owner how much a month > 500€ > Wait for him to expose the joke > He doesn't
Will I ever be able to do right round house kicks fast?
Caleb Kelly
Muay Thai. It wasn't a particularly big or nice gym. The changing room was just chairs along the wall. They claim to be a bit more serious and have two fighters that are known in the amateur scene but the rest were complete casuals like me. I cannot imagine why ANYONE would pay 500€ for that. Maybe he just wanted to get rid of me lol.
I think I'll call tomorrow and just ask again how much it is. This can't be real
John Nelson
>point fighting is trash wanna know how you've never had any amateur fights in boxing or kickboxing?
that's impossible, I don't believe you. the most expensive I've ever seen is somewhere like 200 dollars and that's for fancy shmancy mma gyms with UFC-level coaches.
go elsewhere. absolute insanity.
yes. but lose some weight.
Julian Roberts
if you're the one I replied to who asked about his first class in the last thread, I'm proud of you. keep us updated when you get back.