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Is your gf alpha af, Zig Forums?
Owen Lee
Parker Mitchell
Eli Robinson
That staredown and how she bares her teeth in display of ownership is pretty fucking hot in a primal way
Hudson Reed
>he cute
Charles Adams
Why does this pairing look so weird? Men are meant to be darker than women.
Lincoln Richardson
stfu Chang
Juan Ross
Begone shareblue
Ian Mitchell
ching chong bing bong
Jace Ross
Hahaha jokes on you I don’t have a girlfriend. Boy this must be so embarrassing for you.
Blake Bell
>slackjawed faggot
>race mixer
Zachary Wilson
shoo shoo racist lookism incel
Julian Davis
I will have a 10/10 pure white wife and you will be stuck with some blasian kike and your incel slack jawed monster spawn who will be bullied in school. Remember this post when your child runs into his room and screams at you and your mongrel wife for ruining his life.
Nathan Adams
>Has hot gf
>Not on Zig Forums
Elijah Butler
>I will have a 10/10 pure white wife
no you wont lmao, you never leave your dingy basement
Anthony Barnes
If you truly believe that it must be truly sad that by comparison you're a 600 pound over weight 4 foot manlet. Enjoy your chimp wife.
Ethan Phillips
Ian Baker
post jaw or forever hold your peace
Levi Perry
No, my girlfriend is a retard.
Sebastian Morgan
Asher White
Fiances marathon time is faster than mine, she squats almost as much as me (100 kg), literally paid of her 3 bedroom house while she's only 28 and is pretty much paying everything for me including my uni education. All I have to do is take care of our kid, study, cook and excercise. She's pretty fucking alpha.
Andrew Fisher
Cameron Collins
I think my wife may be mildly autistic. Weve been married for 6 fucking years and sometimes she still looks visibly nervous/awkward talking to me and ill catch her making weird noises from time to time like she’ll enter a room or get up and leave and make little “woosh” noises.
Austin Williams
(He didn't post it)
And you are beta
Kayden Campbell
Need cockhungry blacc gf
Gavin Allen
Sounds cute
Nathan Fisher
bobs and vagene pilled
Daniel Phillips
Joshua Garcia
Michael Rodriguez
also sage
Adam Jackson
I wish I was joking, user. She would struggle to read a book, make food or survive without help but she's nice. It sucks to never have any sort of intellectual discourse at all, like not even an argument about politics. I guess it's just nice having someone who throws themselves at you. It is tough though because we can't really talk except from boring mundane things. Feels like I'm babysitting a kid sometimes tho.
Evan Wilson
PST face. Changposters like you are presumed Asian until proven to be Jewish.