you'll make fun of this guy but chances are hes bigger and stronger than you and would kick your ass
You'll make fun of this guy but chances are hes bigger and stronger than you and would kick your ass
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What kind of punch was that? I've never seen anybody punch like that before.
It's a scary thought knowing that many people think they're living in their own movies.
Men on social media and using it seem really fuckng cringe and pathetic. Its mostly made for women, i only hav instagram and that's for drug deals with my local persians
How is he not completely embarrassed at himself for making such faggy shit? I feel embarrassed for him on a level I never thought possible
takes balls to make such a video
this guy is definitely high test and that punch wasn't a joke either
A joke is exactly what that punch is.
so it was.. the punch line
nah man, look how hard the camera flips
I'm sure bonbi totally slept with him for this one
Notice their is no woman in the video.
This is beyond based
Bad boi based
quick someone give this nigger the Navier-Stokes equation
I am pretty sure this is satire
Why are people here so dense? this is too "on the nose" to be true
You know Zig Forums is social media as well.
Anybody else notice how he fixed his ring right before his punch?
I’ve never seen such instinctive or habitual cowardice.
You know that your a faggot aswell
Youknow your triggeredas well
based but a bit cringe
Tiktok users are generally not smart enough to do subtle satire, m8.
I don't get it.
Is this supposed to be cringe, because if it is then I do get it.
I see people on Facebook spouting shitty platitudes liken this all of the time. It's a desperate attempt to sell yourself as some kind of hero who is making a difference. A dire attempt to not be forgotten to the abyss of time because their genetic line is done.
if he's gonna be telegraphing like that i'll be okay
I will learn and grow from this
>asks the woman that got hit on if she's ok as if she'd just been raped
extremely based statement