"The best self-defense is running!"

Let me explain why this statement that people often repeat is complete bullshit.

First, let's understand how fights really happen. Street fights are not duels, there are no rules of engagement, there's no honor, there's often no mutual agreement about fighting at all. A fight starts when the first guy throws a punch and stops when the last guys stops punching. There is a huge amount of savages out there, looking for that cheap knockout on some nerd who is refusing to fight, and they are going to get that when *they* want it. For them, the fact that you're refusing to start fighting is not an obstacle, is an advantage.

That's why most fight clips you see are under 30 seconds long: they're not MMA matches, they're one suckerpunch followed by several others. Real experience means the "avoid fights" advice is useless, fights are something that are often imposed on you. Pay attention on pic related, where the guy is still trying to stop the fight and persuade his aggressor to listen to reason AS HE IS GETTING ATTACKED. It's only when he realizes his situation and fights back that his safety is guaranteed. He's lucky, because in the 15 seconds that it takes them to do that, a lot of damaged could be done.

The best reaction then is not to run but, at the first sign of hostility, to immediately keep your distance, put your hands up, raise your voice and accept the situation you're in. It is, in fact, a lot easier to de-escalate the situation after you do that than it is while you're an easy prey.

>ok? why are you ranting about that?
Because this is a debate we had on a fight thread yesterday, but I only now came up with this argument in the shower.

Thank you, and be safe. Join a MMA class.

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This has to be fake. Also what’s with fags fighting in the bathroom?

Both of these little spics are pathetic. What the fuck were those knees lmao. Could have easily grabbed his leg and slammed him on his fuckin' head, there was no weight behind those pathetic strikes at all. Should have fuckin' killed one of those cocksuckin' faggots before the video ended. Wanted to see one of those fuckin' retards seizing up on the floor about to die.

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amateur boxer here. fighting outside a ring is so fucking dangerous bc of what you described - no rules, no honor. fights DON'T necessarily end when the last guy stops punching. they often end when one of their "boys" stops stomping on a head.
don't fight outside a ring.
i am calm under the pressure of drunk retards flexing bc of my personality and experience in the ring.
if you're in that situation you don't want a punch to be thrown. you never want to go to the ground. you want out of the situation. run. if you have to, throw a punch and then run.
street fights are like gambling in a casino. the longer you're at the table the more likely you are to lose your money. in a fight, the longer it goes the more likely you are to receive damage that could change your life.
i absolutely recommend training in martial arts. but it's not to flex and "win fights" outside of a ring. sure you can be calm and ready if that happens, but carrying a knife and phone and being quick to draw both will serve you better irl

i wasn't here for the discussion yesterday but it probly went like this based on ops post. they aren't wrong.

>The best reaction then is not to run but, at the first sign of hostility, to immediately keep your distance, put your hands up, raise your voice and accept the situation you're in. It is, in fact, a lot easier to de-escalate the situation after you do that than it is while you're an easy prey.

This is a red pill every man on this board needs to know. Every man needs to be capable of mayhem. You can only be good and peaceful if you are first capable of evil. Anyone who claims to be peaceful but yet lacks the will, knowledge or skill to unleash chaos on another is using peace as a guide for their cowardice.

Evil exists in this world and often it is cowardly and will only pick on the weak.

It's still a lot higher percentage to know how to clinch, trip, throw, and choke than to punch someone unconscious. Also, if you can manage distance, you, can probably run.

For every 1 fight that is inevitable, you're too slow to run, and they're too determined to let you run, there are 1,000 you can avoid, 100 you can de-escalate, and 10 where you're outmatched (weapons, friends, etc.). The MMA classes will probably be more expensive in 6 months than all the money that you get robbed for in your entire life.

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People think street fighting is a game. It's not. A single blow could change someone's life or even end it forever. Life is not a fucking movie! If you believe a fight may be coming, keep your distance and be aware of your surroundings. This is the reason why drunk guys almost always get fucked up because they do neither.

One of them bit the other’s dick by accident

>The best reaction then is not to run

If you can run, do run. If you can't resort to plan B.
Anyone who goes for plan B straight away is a retarded moron.

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