This might be pretty off-topic, my bad.
But had this thought strike my mind. The way I see it a rather significant portion of females are asexual aka not that interested in fucking.
What's some good signs to look for to avoid asexual women?
This might be pretty off-topic, my bad.
But had this thought strike my mind. The way I see it a rather significant portion of females are asexual aka not that interested in fucking.
What's some good signs to look for to avoid asexual women?
>The way I see it a rather significant portion of females are asexual aka not that interested in fucking.
? this is pretty common knowledge
Hate to tell you this, but maybe you're just unattractive. Most of the women I've been with or know have been sexually active.
HAH. No.
Women are sluts. You are just lacking in understanding on how to get them willing.
>a rather significant portion of females are asexual aka not that interested in fucking
Women are just as horny as men all the time, maybe even more. Please have sex for once OP.
>What's some good signs to look for to avoid asexual women?
is that currently a problem for you? are you drowning in asexual pussy?
seriously though, there are many women who don't get horny that often and many who can't come from penetration so you basically have to flick the bean every time. might as well just masturbate.
anyway, it's not like you're forced to stick around when a women turns out to have a low sex drive. like, close your eyes nigga. walk away.
From my current understanding (which doesn't include personal experience)
>most women like sex as much if not more than most men
>women dislike social rejection more than they like sex
>women will have sex with you if there are no social ramifications and you don't judge her for it granted you do certain things that lead to sex
I could be wrong though. I've never done this. It's just what I've heard.
>asexual women
That is a blessing bro. I want my women to fuck once a week tops. Ejacultation is bad for you.
>my women
Yeah, get a new one every weekend, scrub.
HAHAHHAHAH my man thats not even biologically possible, literally women cant be as horny as men or more horny, because testosterone is the prime mover for libido and women only get a test spike once a month, and its a minor one
>females are not that interested in fucking
No, they are just not that interested in fucking you.
And you know that because you've watched a lot of porn.
Let's ignore the fact that rape, thirstyness etc. are almost exclusively male things. It's just due to SOCIETY right? But at the same time you're the type of person that thinks society doesn't influence gender roles and shit.
Listen. Women have on average WAY less sex drive that men. The difference in the average is insane. There are women that have high sex drive. There are low sex drive men. But the average man could conceivably rape someone and the average woman would probably be okay with having sex every couple of months.
Go on a tinder date last night. After fucking twice she sends me out for more condoms cause she loves morning sex.
>significant portion of females are asexual.
Correction OP, women quickly friend zone you, so you perceive them as asexual.
Women will fuck a high value guy in the hope of making him commit to them, just like simps will give their resources to women in the hopes of fucking them. Women learned to exploit men by dangling their pussy in front of men's eyes to extract money, you just need to learn to dangle your commitment to extract sex. The difference is women are born with their value, while men need to acquire it.
Give her a deathgasm retard.
>thirstyness etc. are almost exclusively male things
lel keep coping
>reddit spacing
>reddit takes
like pottery
>le fedora reaction
nothing edgy in my post, just stating the difference between male and female preferences. fuck off.
>if only I manage to deadlift 4 plates women will want to fuck me
>just as horny as men
Yes that explains all the stripclubs and brothels with exclusively female clientele lmao
Women don't need stripclubs and brothels, they can get sex whenever they want.
Yeah because men are sexually starved.
If women and men have sex an equal amount, why do women feel okay with how much they can get yet men crave it all the time?
Food for thought. Maybe you'll grow.
>rape, thirstiness are exclusively male things
Rape is mostly male because women can't overpower men.
Thirstiness in women is maybe less apparent because every decent looking woman can get laid whenever. But it totally does exist and sometimes manifest in weird ways. Remember when all the fat nerdy chicks were waaaaay into Yaoi?
tl;dr women like sex, you're just not a prize
Women are much more selective about who they fuck compared to men.
Men and women have the same amount of sex overall (obviously, how could they not) but a small number of men fuck a disproportionately high number of women.
>women and men don't have sex an equal amount
LOL there is a huge hole in your logic there dude
Women are more sexual than men
Modern feminism has turned a lot of them into thots because they see it as a good thing to brag about
Found the virgins
I may be a loser, but this thread gives me a boost. At least I'm not like you fucks.
Theyre only asexual in my presence
Lmao I've fucked so many 'asexual' and 'lesbian' girls it's crazy, some with boyfriends or husbands
Anyone saying otherwise (including the women themselves) is talking out of their ass
Same with this Reddit tier bullshit
A lot of women out there never in their life get properly fucked, partly because it takes a lot of stamina and some skill to fuck a woman long and hard enough without cooming, but if you do, you got her bagged easy
there not asexual their just getting sex and dont need yours