sup cobbers, whats for dinner tonight
Ausfag general - nuke Melbourne edition
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ate 2 carrots, 2 sticks of salami and one of those little salami sticks (ate a burger for lunch so have to compensate).
who else a recovering /fat/?
Checked and chicken sangaz
errr 2 carrots, 2 celery and a salmi stick :S
Brisbane, reporting in.
charfing filtered white ox and drinking bottled water... iv gone soft boys
vegetables :|
Melbourne here, BBQ chicken mushroom hawaiian pizza
Fuckin mum’s made chicken curry with Naam bread and mango chutney. It’s pretty good for street shitter food.
Also Post kitchen pics, I want to see what squalor you cunts are living in
trips confirms
What's it like being hated by the entire country?
Mmmmm roast chicken thighs, pumpkin, sweet potato and honey glazed carrot.
my house is almost 100 years old and has the original kitchen... but I own it and may replace it down the line so w/e.
It was the western suburbs, please don't hate us eastsiders silly boys
Get rekt, Sandeep.
The East is worse than the West, by far.
Eyy East here too. Taking a week off training this week so we'll see how bored I get.
another melbfag - don't ya be hatin on me. i had nothing to do with the half million african migrants that arrived here and are coofing everywhere
just smahed a big bowl of honey onions chicken stir fry after pec workout this arvo
How was the weekend lads?
Pizza and bang the missus
Bang the missus
Father-in-law bday dinner (got him a bottle of scotch)
Bang missus
Watch stipe attempt optometry on DC
Mark assessments
Pad see eiw
>melbourne cucks are probably gonna be under lockdown till the end of the year
You get what you deserve, coon lovers.
Cities don't set immigration policy. Earliest nog arrival story I heard was 1998.
Pretty sure refugee stuff is decided at the Federal level.
But, even if not: Chairman Dan was far way from his seat in the late 90s - early 00s.
You guys know what's up
zinger box lad
Fuck this cunt is cooked.
How long before he drops dead?
This bloke gets a missus and starts a ausfag thread Just to same fag in it few hours later I know it’s your ricky the snitch I’ll fuck you up for kissing my gf at the tab you cunt
Poo in poo food.
I don't even care if there's feces I'm it because it's god damned tasty.
Fuck lads i want to go to bali. Reeeeeeeee. I want my fuckin binnies and tourist sluts
Gonna be like 3-5 years before you're allowed out of the country m8 get used to it.
Bullshit. Gonna be a vaccine next year. Ill be getting a backload refugee boat otherwise
Double scoop whey and milk nightshift can get fucked
Shit not just going to go back to normal as soon as "theres a vaccine" you tard, it will take time to distribute and even more time for shit to get back to normal, things arent just going to magically unfuck themselves instantly.
Had bacon, egg, tomato and onion on a roll with mushrooms on the side
Works thinking of sending me overseas and I just want stay home
Might tell em to suck a fat one