You are working out in the gym and this girl comes up to you and slaps you on the ass. What do you do?
You are working out in the gym and this girl comes up to you and slaps you on the ass. What do you do?
This bitch has the worst case of penis envy I've ever seen. Her posts are just dripping with cope.
Report her to the management and police for sexual assault.
ask for her number I bet fucking her is intense.
I highly doubt any of that would fly at my local planet fitness.
Then again the attendants are so worthless I haven't even had to sign-in in months so who knows.
You could 100% just walk in without a membership, my friend does it all the time.
Reflexively chimp out and smash a plate into her skull in a fit of tren rage, realise what I've done and break down in tears, sobbing while I wait for police, as my life is now over.
as she has nonverbally consented to social interaction, spend 30 minutes unloading the truth of 5G and the new world order on her
I use my glute strength to squeeze her hand between my ass cheeks, then spin and put her on a choke hold with my legs around her neck and her hand stuck in my ass. Then I whip my dick out and rape her mouth while she loses consciousness.
Name? I would let her to dominate me so she can feel like a he.
Can we take a step back? What are we *really* trying to solve here? Let's not try to boil the ocean but maybe we can find a needle in a haystack and really pull a rabbit out of a hat for the client to sell the implementation work.
roided up dyke who eats pussy hahah what a fucking beta bitch
Self instrumentation didn’t work, user. The call to arms was never true.
tell me the truth about 5G and its effects on health and fitness
image the clit dick. gonna put chyna to shame.
Probably just giggle a bit. It's what I do when my wife squeezes my ass.
Let’s follow the cops back home and find out.
Do people realize these moids cant even bench 2 pl8s?
When I found that out I was genuinely shocked, there was that one varbie on Zig Forums who looked a bit like OP pic and her 1rm was like 80kg.
I wouldn't work out in a gym with that thing present.
to be fair, bodybuilding is 70% aesthetics, 20% health benefits and 10% functional strength.
I like your thinking there and I'd like to build on top of that and do a deep-dive in those three core dimensions.
You two really laid a nice groundwork to harness the momentum of this situation.
can overstimulate calcium channels leading to cell excitotoxicity (generally calcium should be outside, not inside)
Niggers what are you all talking about wtf.
Someone better educate this man on the goings-on of the current day or we might all fall behind.
offer her my body
kristen nun
Assume the position, user.
Just average consultancy buzzwords
Reminder that even the most junior of consultants earns boatloads of money
I never understood wanting her to dominate you wouldn't you rather have her think she's going to dominate you and then actually have her end up face down ass up like the submissive woman she is?
This is my ultimate fantasy.
That's a man.
My ex was like that when we tried to switch roles a couple of times. It was cute seeing her try to dominate me, though.
Y-yes! :3