Post Kryptonite

I had a large Strawberry, Green Apple, Watermelon with vanilla ice cream everyday for the past 2 weeks

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Rita's > Jeremiah's
fite me irl

What the fuck is Jeremiah's

My GFs mom is a total milf and she makes an amazing chocolate cake. Gonna grab me a slice in a few days at lunch.

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Not my kryptonite, but surely someone else's. I don't really crave ice cream anymore after replacing it with cottage cheese.

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ill never understand you sugar fags. it doesnt even taste that good, fucks your body up, and makes you feel like shit afterwards

I never get sick of their fries.

forgot pic

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I work at a Casey's general store, everything here screams eat and get fat, I work with hamplanets and one qt 3.14

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Run tren and eat like an asshole. You'll still look like a god and lift more than most people.

Source- on tren, and eat like asshole.

That strawberry one looks tasty, I usually order the pina colada gelato hehe (:

Why is it so fucking good lads

Chinese and pizza buffetts. Glad they're all closed.

Fuck peanut butter I swear to god man.

> pizza buffet

Never even heard of the concept before, so I suppose you’re American...

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It's all salt, oil, and delicious carbs. A real flavor powerhouse.

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Yes, they're only like $6.

I really can't imagine this being anyone's Kryptonite

Great pizza tho

cheez its


Casey’s pizza is fucking dope

I’ve eaten 3 pounds of the stuff in a day. It’s good for bulking, but bad for my kidneys. Surprisingly I don’t have high BP.

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Teen girls

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Not MN sorry lad
That's the broblem breh ...

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Does cottage cheese work for this? I fucking love ice cream


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This. Legal ones, obviously.

Sour candy.

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Well for one you won't feel like shit after eating one cup of cottage cheese as opposed to ice cream.