At what age does a healthy male's testosterone levels noticeably decline, Zig Forums?
And how does one tell?
At what age does a healthy male's testosterone levels noticeably decline, Zig Forums?
And how does one tell?
By using coomer bait pics
If you can look at that picture without getting hard, it’s all over, user. Sorry.
Not sure but your vo2 max starts declining at 25 so probably around there
it depends, some people peaks at 18 when it comes to testosterone
others peaks at 30
thats why athletes peak at different ages as well, but as general rule, until 35 year old
It'll decline when I tell my body to, until then, you are a faggot, OP.
>not having dick control
What are you 18?
>t. limp dick
I’m 24 but thanks for asking. Don’t be mad just cus I’m more virile than you.
>Tattoos and body jewelry
>24 and still got the dick game of a teen
user I wouldn't be proud of that lmao
It’s all over for me ;(
not OP but if I can't grow a decent beard by 30 is it all ogre for me? Should I take the rogaine pill?
im 34 and i noticed it decline sharply when i hit 29 or so
In what ways did that decline manifest itself?
I started watching trap porn, now I'm married to cute looking female (male).
Women prefer their man get hard easily than not be able to get hard when the time comes to perform.
Ay this nigga gay af yall
Fat fetish broke my dick
I want to beat women before during and after I fuck them, especially when I cum, oh dear god yes
Imagine being a chick
All you'd have to do is exist... Life must be so easy
I'm 34 as well and feels like my test is higher than ever
Imagine wanting an easy life
fucking based
they start easy but become super shitty once they hit the wall
doesn't start easy, and never gets easy for 90% of men
I think she’s in love
yeah but a man doesn't have wall to hit if he takes care of himself. so you hold your value over time.
>Implying women exist
>men who take care of themselves don't hit the w-
you can't call running for hours in the sun taking care of oneself now can you?
you can. i guarantee you Eliud Kipchoge is healthier and more fit than you, buddy.
depends on what you measure. most people certainly have better skin than him at the same age.
>more fit
of course. he's a professional athlete and i'm a fat slob.