No, seriously. How does one get a physique like this?
>decent arms
>no pecs whatsoever
Gordan Ramsay's body
Reminds me of Bloodborne's character creation menu.
how the fuck is he so wide?
>>decent arms
My dog has more arm muscle than him
When will you retards understand that frame and insertions will dictate how you will look?
Be an ignorant English HACK!
Curls and pullups and nothing else
This is what teens aspire to
Turn 50.
He used to be very fat.
>chef has the body of a fridge
Become dad
This nigga be 53 years old and doesnt lift as his main thing, he travels a lot and is on the move constantly. He keeps up really nicely imo.
he looks like a fucking titan
He's into endurance sports, long distance running and cycling and whatnot
He probably has never lifted weights in his life
He did a tv program where he went through some royal marine training, it was actually quite good as far as modern tv goes, and he did well despite his age because he's in great shape
what's your dog's cycle?
He doesnt lift. He doesnt get cut. He just moves, and does endurance sports (marathons and triathelons). Keep in mind he's in his 50s and has a job that requires endless travel and revolves around food; he looks great with that considered. Hes probably more concerned with longevity than looks, so mostly keeping the heart healthy and joints moving.
Looking good isn't a priority for him.
He's 53 & worth over $200 million. He probably works 70 hours a week. He's got a family.
To answer your question, he's got a big ribcage. It looks like he doesn't lift at all...just does stuff to stay healthy because he's already made it.
Agreed. Anyone thinking he should or even could look cut or big is delusional. He has no interest in that he is doing fitness as a means for health not aesthetics
He was a professional soccer player so naturally athletic
artificial selection xF
Your dog can compete with that other dog shoulder meme.
He looks like a fridge
Never understood why anyone would keep working past $5m, just live off the money, lift and enjoy life. You can travel the world for 40 years and still have money left
I'm pretty sure that cooking and cracking jokes isn't really something that you'd want to stop doing after reaching a certain age, especially with a skillset like his
lipo belly