Zig Forums any of you have experience riding horses? I'm going to meet a tinder match now and she wants me to ride her horse when I get there. I'm excited.
Zig Forums any of you have experience riding horses...
>horse girl
yeah. uh oh
Lol what's wrong?
Rode a horse around a forest in a 3rd world country once it was genuinely a lot of fun. If you're going in a slow pace in full horse riding gear next to a road it will probably suck
Hope you have a huge cock, otherwise you will never be able to compete.
Cool, any advice on being comfortable with the horse?
I think she's kind of crazy, she texts a lot more than I do but I like the upbeat nature of her, most girls on tinder are fucking dull. You think she'll be horny?
>tinder horse girl
Not sure if troll but yeah I dated an equestrian and rode her $70k selle francais
Also ridden a few paint horses
They all have different personalities but riding them is pretty intuitive.. you use the reigns to steer and stop them but in my experience if you move your body faster they will take the hint and speed up or slow it down and say woaaaah now they'll take that hint
Very smart, majestic animals and having them listen to you is a cool experience
Riding horses is easy and fun. You'll probably only be going at a walking pace so just relax, drop your shoulders down and move in rhythm with the horse. Keep the reins securely in your hands but relaxed, and keep your feet in the stirrups.
Thanks guys I like horses I've just never had any experience with them
The horses aren't bad to ride either
Expect more from the horse than from the girl. Horse girls are always fucking crazy.
Any positives to this though?
Maybe a list of positives and negatives?
>he doesn't know
I have no fucking idea mate, I don't use tinder and never been with a girl. Aren't all timder girls horny though, that's the reason they are there.
A good thing with a horse girl is that they are probably more likely a bit more upper class.
Yah, my family owns two and I used to ride semi-competitively.
First time riders tend to either abuse their horse or be way too soft on it. Though desu you're not going to have spurs or a crop so it's going to be pretty hard to overdo it. Just hold the reigns properly (part going into the halter out the bottom of your hand) and work with the horse, not against it. At leas try to raise yourself off the saddle when trotting (think of it like a horse jogging pace, if you go faster first ride your instructor is retarded) don't know if you're doing a trail ride or not, but lean forward when going up hills and back when going down.
Don't worry about anything else really as you're definitely not going to need it for a simple first timer ride.
Oh, and I live in a rich horse neighborhood in my city where there are tons of horse girls and my mom and sister are horse girls too. (Yes, I live with my parents and we're pretty well off). Don't fucking date a horse girl. Most of them are low key insane and have some major issues.
Forgot to mention this is for English saddles, if you're doing western I have no idea lmao good luck. Probably the same shit for a beginner tho.
>be 10 yo
>go on a school trip at a ranch
>get to ride pony
>always wanted to ride one hyped af
>get on thile thing
>starts rocking like boat in the middle of the Atlantic
>grap on its neck so i dont fall
>goes at .5 km/hr and i feel like im about to meet Christopher Reeves fate
>hopped down at the end of the ride
>notice how they walk and take a shit at the same time
>whole place stinks
i fucking hate horses, horse riding and ranches
Not that user but
>Wild sex
>rich parents so you can go on trips with them
>Relatively athletic outdoorsy type girl
Yeah if it goes too fast just say "wooooah there roach" and you're g2g.
Don't forget to take your horse plug so that you don't fall off the horse.
Western is easier than English. They're probably not even going to trot, let's be honest, it's his first time. If it's western he's basically just got to sit there.
Yah idk maybe the insane horse girl will get bored with him and try to get him to tell the horse to canter so he kills himself lol. I was trotting on my first lesson, but then again that was a professional instructor not some random rider.
One thing nobody's mentioned, if your horse just stops and is like fuck this bro I'm not going anywhere, it probably wants to take a piss and can't because you're on its kidneys. Stand up and let it piss and it'll start moving again.
She's futa and she will make you ride her 30inch throbbing horsecock ,go for it user, i wish that was me tho
Yeah, normally they teach you how to trot if you're doing lessons, but if he's going on a date they're probably going on a trail.
>I think she's kind of crazy,
brotha I "dated" a horse girl once, met all her friends
they're all fucking crazy
the christian horse girls are the craziest mofos in existence
The sex will be good, but I don't know if I can say it was worth putting up with her crazy ass, good luck
>fuckbuddies with crazy horse chick
>decide to go horseback riding for first time
>get a cool looking horse to ride
>sup bro
>horse wants none of my shit
>ignoring me, eating whatever it sees, going off trail
>almost bucks me
>slips in road, saddle goes down, my ass comes right down on the back-part-whatever-its-called
>fucking crunch
>weird pain
>horse gives up on me, just decides it wants to go home, run away from everyone else, heads back to stables with me on it, doesn't give a flying fuck what I do to make him turn around
later found out I cracked my coccyx, fucker took like 4 months to heal before I could sit down without pain. Fuck horses
OP here, I think I'm just riding round a field. She owns a stable and the horse is called Alfie. Will my cock live up to his?
>take your horse plug
Those are often built in, just need to remember to insert it.
How large is the horse? (ask her how many hands to sound intelligent)
Most are gelded to change their temperaments
No it won't though
You might be trotting then or like says, wind up in a canter. Horses like to follow horses so if the lead starts to trot they're like let's all trot. Bigger horses like to lead, so if she puts you on a bigger one than hers, yours is going to want to overtake
Let's hope the horses like eachother, too. Inb4 they start nipping eachother and op falls off and breaks his ribs kek.
>Will my cock live up to his?
No, h*mans simply can't compete.