I'd go to /adv/ with this but those faggots don't know shit.
If and when I have a son, how do I ensure that he has as high test as possible, is as tall as he can be, isn't a lanklet, etc? I want him to be a Chad and fulfill his maximum genetic potential, something my cunt parents failed to do with me for whatever reason, parents should make sure that their children are the best they can be, and make sure that they are prepared for the future.
I'd go to /adv/ with this but those faggots don't know shit
first of all, unironically, have sex.
Genetics. Are you a short ugly goblin right now? Then it doesn't matter what you do.
Be as fit as possible before conception. Have your kid in your 20s. Expose him to a diverse lifestyle as he develops, with academic rigor and a number of sports. Ensure a healthy diet with minimal processed food. Don't baby him but don't make his life overly stressful. That's pretty much it.
Imagine having a dad that browses Zig Forums and uses terms like 'Chad' and 'lanklet'.
Well no shit.
See, I'm only 5'9, because I didn't fulfill my genetic potential, so if I had a kid, couldn't he be taller than me? Look at Barron Trump.
Alright, thanks user.
Put your son in sports.
give him grass fed meat with fat.
limit plastics and processed foods as much as possible. (ideally 0)
Sure can your son be taller. Might be a bit of a lottery, but it's far from possible. A friend is 6'1 while is dad was 5'4 and his mother 5' (and yes, both parents are biological)
Rugby and medium rare steak
ah, fuck me. his mother was 5'6
Assuming you feed your child enough, and healthy food, has great nutrition, has high test, exercises, etc, couldn't you make sure he is a tall Chad? Unless you have bad genetics, that should be possible I'd think. The reason that I'm an average height lanklet with a 5 inch long, 4 inch in girth dick is because I didn't have high enough testosterone, I didn't eat enough, or have good enough nutrition.
Make him work the field
keep posting on Zig Forums mr Anonymous
don't let your pregnant wife drink fluoridated water, its been proven to lower the IQ of unborn babies. even if you do believe in water fluoridation for adults, it is very dangerous for babies
Well, on the other site I'm 5'6 while my father is 6'2 and my mother 5'9. I blame it on her not breastfeeding me (not that she didn't want to, she couldn't)
Yeah, I've read about that, I'll make sure not to.
Read this book
I'm a nurse and have worked with plenty of pediatricians that specialize in optimizing the hormonal profile of children to achieve the best health they can get... First off, there's an incredible percentage of things that are purely genetic and cannot be controlled... For lifestyle, promote breastfeeding of your baby. This is very important. Breast milk is essential to a healthy baby and sets your child up with the proper microbiome and immunological factors to have a healthy childhood.... Other than that it's pretty simple. Make sure the kid eats home cooked food that doesn't include excess amounts of hydrogenated oils or processed food and candy. Promote the kid to participate in some kind of sport or exercise that he enjoys. Make sure he eats plenty of protein, vegetables, fats, and healthy carbs (sweet potato, quinoa, carrots)... Essentially a healthy diet for you is a healthy diet for your child.
If you have a daughter though, throw her off a cliff and try again.
The most important thing you can do for your offspring is to raise them with the love and support of the both the father and mother that live together as a happily family.
Reinforce good behaviour and know how to correct bad behaviour without being a cunt
Minmaxxing genetic potential doesn't hold a candle to a well raised child hardwired with persistence and solid habits nurtured in the right areas
And do everything has mentioned ontop
why she couldnt?
Feed him well, don't let your wife define "well". Bring him to the range with proper ear and eye protection once he is old enough, maybe starting with pellet guns or airsoft. Enroll him in a martial arts class or two, recommended are Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Judo, BJJ. Teach him the word of God.
That is how you will take your child on the right path. If he is a Chad, good. If he is a bully, correct him. If he fights, tell your wife to shut up, men must fight.
Please fuck off back to L*ddit, the entire stigma that this board has from newfags and crossboard Zig Forumssharts to have MUH HIGH TEST SON is so fucking stupid. If you are high test and your wife (LOL) had high test father and ancestors then he will be high test, it's not that hard.
Underdeveloped glandular tissue in the breasts so they couldn't produce milk. Or not enough. A few droplets, nothing more
>Teach him the word of God.
Teach him to always think critically
>because I didn't fulfill my genetic potential
Cooope. You have a computer and are ranting about Chads and high T. 99.99% chance you weren't chronically malnourished growing up. 5'9 is the height woven into your DNA.
Also, of course. This is not a contradiction, as you seem to think.
Youre asking parenting advice on Zig Forums, youll be lucky if the kid doesnt jack off to dragons and shit.
I never said the one contradicts the other. If the son comes to the conclusion that religion is the way for him to go after weighing his options and thinking about it, he has essentially done both.
>99.99% you weren't malnourished
Not OP, also fit the criteria. Explain why I was underweight as a kid and especially during adolescence then.
Parents know what a fat kid is but there's not enough awareness about an underweight one.
Just teach him /k/, /lit/, /out/ and Zig Forums stuff.
Don't think so. See
Ensure he gets lots of sleep. When I hit puberty I was getting shit sleep and only got semi taller but a year afterwsrds when I have myself 9 -10 hour sleeps I grew a foot in 4 months. Now that I am in adulthood I height mog manlets literally by just getting my calcium and sleeping a lot during puberty.