If some friends asked for your Zig Forums semen, would you give it to them?
If some friends asked for your Zig Forums semen, would you give it to them?
I'm the father of my lesbian friends' daughter. It's an abstract feel. They're really nice about letting me stay in her life.
please never mention sweden again. thanks
Lel and Euros always shit on Americans for being mutts. However if it’s white Swedish men deciding to impregnate Arab women then its based.
I generally don't wait for them to ask
I’m fucking a married women in an open relationship and I always cum to thinking about busting in her and having them raise my child. We’re suppose to be wearing condoms but I always pull out at the last second. Incredible stupid but it makes my dick hard to think about cumming in her
i dont have friends.
They would have to extract it themselves, if you know what I mean.
This propaganda isn't fooling anyone. Are more swedes having mutts? Yes, but it's obvious since there are more immigrants there. Is that number any where near a relevant number? Absolutely not.
Vast majority of them have babies with people of the same race.
Nice try shlomo.
They’re gonna learn reallllly fast why Americans are the way they are.
its a Zig Forumsmade image
Why does Zig Forums shit on themselves wtf? Is it a cuck thing?
It's because Zig Forums is infested with """people""" trying to demoralize it's previous normal users.
Plenty of leaks came out of discord servers doing it, notoriously from hapas.
Convince her to convince her husband it's his kid
>>Zig Forums
I think people are more concerned about the rate of growth and a government that refuses to curb immigration. Look at any non euro western country. The rate of immigration is not curbed until its basically 40% of population from all immigrant demographics.
Sure, its small now. But its like saying you 'just got a little bit of cancer'. It doesn't go away. A government letting in tons of foreign workers doesn't just stop... Until people want it to stop. By then it's usually already visibly noticeable in the community and probably too late in terms of maintaining the good, modern, status quo of the society that was built.
I just don't get the laissez faire (spelling idk) attitude to something that once it's out of control it can't be reversed.
I agree with you. This is in response to the retards thinking it's already doomed and too late to do something when it very much isn't.
More of just a perverted fantasy. If I had a kid I would want to be it’s father in all things of life.
Also about the part of people realizing what will happen, us europeans are turning more right wing and we're lucky to have north america to show how much diversity sucks.
This is a false image and is not Zig Forums related. Stop trying to stir up hatred, we don't want you here.
Post source on the pic, I bet it's shopped
all asians should be incinerated
i hate all these cuckolds because this board is barely moderated
Zig Forums is literally multiracial crabs in a bucket.
This is some next level cucking right here.
Reminder swedes will be the ethnic minority in sweden with a generation
>being friends with degenerates who will sexually, physically and psychologically abuse your daughter
And they deserve it too. Fuck swedes.
we talm bout cuckolding impregnation b?