>that full grown man wearing shorts at the gym
That full grown man wearing shorts at the gym
I only wear shorts above the knee since I'm not a total sperg
>that guy who wanders near the rack between sets
What is he supposed to wear?
What do you wear?
>that bloatlord insecure about his chicken legs
Yoga pants duh. You just have to size up a bit cuz they're for chicks and they'll squeeze your balls.
I wear my running shorts while I lift. I don't leave much to the imagination while I squat and bench. I've been told my ass is like a booty buffet and I enjoy showing off my buldge. The only downside is when babes come in can't really hide my boner.
>that subhuman who yawns between sets when doing squats
>not taking a nap between sets
>Wearing anything in the gym
>he doesn't wear shorts year-round
>not wearing XXXL basketball pants
Adidas sweatpants, a headband, and a sleeveless t shirt
??? do you know how hot things get with anything else than shorts
You must be a power lifter
plz sqz my blls mommy oh yes
>the pajeet in a polo and jeans at the gym
what's wrong with that?
keeps the blood flowing
>t.fatty who wears jeans at the gym
That guy that wears pants to hide his weak and lanky legs
like, what do these clothmos think "gymnasium" means?
cope harer
wearing UDT shorts or silkies or flexing on normies with massive quads and tight above knee shorts is one of the ultimate alpha moves
>that crazy guy who wears long sleeves and track pants even when working out because hes afraid of the sun
Oh, it's me
>That guy wearing a the gym
>zoomers think I care what they think
>not wearing shorts and flip-flops at the gym
yeah summer is my favorite season
I've noticed an influx of people wearing sliders and socks at the gym, and not just zoomer wanna-be niggers.