Are you talking about sleepy beddy bye time? Oh fuck im gonna SNOOOOOZE
By sleeping for 8 hours
>use your bed during the day
>look at a screen within 2 hours before going to bed
>eat anything two hours before bed
>use a mattress
>use the bathroom
>wear a sleep mask (dependent on situation)
>get a tatami mat and shikibuton, or sleep on floor
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Insomnia Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Lie Down Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
>look at a screen within 2 hours before going to bed
Alternatively, use a blue light blocker on your screen and wear blue light blocker glasses
Are niggas really out here sleeping on the floor? Lmao
If you can’t get to sleep within 20 to 30 minutes of hitting the pillow, GET OUTTA BED ASAP
Do something light and non stimulating like read a book for 15 minutes, then try again. Rinse and repeat until you’re dead to the world. Doing this stops you from associating your bed as a place of restlessness where you spend hours tossing and turning worrying about sleep, so it’s useful both in the short and long term
checked and keked
good sleep hygine genuinely saved my sleep schedule ngl, during semesters i wake up at 5-6am and sleep at 9-10pm. it's all about teaching your body a routine, even if it's hard to do at first and you spend a couple of days living on 4-5 hours of sleep (best to do these kinds of resets in the weekend)
deez jap bois really be doin dat
this made me reinstall f.lux
thanks user
>another night
>another alarm set for 7:45 hours
Stop jacking off to porn after 10pm, actually stop jacking off to porn period.
That pic is retarded, take the earphones out. Close the blinds. Throw your phone in a corner. Do some stretches. lay the fuck down.
t. no sleeper
Sleep when you're tired.
wont my back hurt if i sleep on the floor? does it actually help with sleep? i cant fucking sleep bros im on like 20 mg of melatonin just to get really shit sleep quality. do i still use a pillow?
stop looking at screens and read before bed.
>the entire western world is wrong about mattresses
>a tiny group of perverted chinks is right about their austere floor matts.
I don't buy it.
Figure out when you need to wake up, lets say half 6.
Therefore if you want 8 hours of sleep, you need to fall asleep at half 10.
I'd say a good way would be to ensure you're not ingesting any sugars or caffeine long before bed. like 8 hours or so desu.
Come off all screens at 9, read for an hour until 10, lights out and use the next half hour drifting off, maybe put on some comfy nature noises or something for 15 minutes if that helps.
>set alarm to 5:30a.m every day, including weekends
>have time to do a morning workout, get a good shower, breakfast, and go over some things before my 9-5 work begins
>have the evening to myself
>be so tired by 9-10pm that I fall asleep within 5 minutes
Honestly this is probably not something younger me would have been able to do, just because hormonal levels in your late teens and early 20s are crazy and make you stay awake, but I am actually glad for this routine. Mainly because I've learned that I personally never ever do anything productive past 11pm anyway, just mindless scrolling.
>when routine bites hard, and ambitions are low...
Semen rentention
ive found great success with some relaxing music, but how am i going to have it on when i cant look at screens? should i put it on a playlist and then have it face down and just continue?
You don't have some speakers with a remote or something?
uh no... i usually just play it quietly out of my phone. i have a bluetooth speaker but it turns off after like 30 mins of no activity. i guess i could just proc it ever 20 mins or so and then use that.
might actually do that
Stressing about not sleeping won't get you to sleep. Just fuck it, accept the struggle, accept that you will have to function without a good sleep, don't be a bitch and maybe one day you will sleep like a baby.
how does it help sleep theres no science out there on it
Wow bro, it almost like some arrogant merchant wants us to buy an overpriced bed, kinda crazy, amrite?