So is this routine good for a beginner or what? I'm hearing conflicting opinions about it. Some say it's really good, others say it's shit because it doesn't work out the upper body enough. Plz gib advice.
StrongLifts 5x5
If you worry too much just do 3x5 on squats and 5x5 on the rest, sport.
>3 workouts a week
>7 days in a conventional week
Yeah, no.
What did he mean by this?
what the...
Easy to follow progression scheme and full body workouts. Not bad. But too much focus on the legs.
I'd recommend GZCLP over SL5X5.
I'm confused.
So do cardio and shit on the rest days, or do 4 days a week lol. The 3 days isn't a law, it's to get noobs to stick to it.
Fuck off shill
what the fuck is that guy's squat
Idk whether the routine is that great, but it got me strong quick and the app makes it really easy to follow. Like if it wasn't for the app I'd probably have gone for something that seems cooler like an athlean-x guide but I'm glad I never now.
ask me how i know you are fucking dyel
Is King. Teach beginner lifter importance of follow simple routine and linear progression.. also get u used to the big compound movements (nice very), and hitting full body 3x a week is very Good frequence for beginner. Is recommend for first 3 month of lifting, or until can squat 100 for reps
Mehdi in that pic is the only time I've seen someone perform the squat exactly as in the SS book cover
jesus what is this english
wtf is wrong with you, lift every other day. 3 days one week, 4 days the next
its alright, its literally an SS ripoff which is already a bill starr ripoff. do bench and OHP every time and its fine, also do some pull ups/lat pull downs.
I'm doing sl5x5?
Are you OK, user?
also, absolutely do not listen to the faggot retard who tells you to start with an empty bar for every lift. add weight until it actually gets a bit hard and start there or you will just waste 2 months or so lifting the bar + change.
only worse thing you can suggest than SS or SL is some meme shit athlecuck is doing
I didn't suggest it I just said that that's probably what I would have ended up doing but I'm glad I never. I have seen the program and it's full of cringe shit like spiderman crawls, which I guess might be good but I wouldn't be seen in public doing them.
>needs a whole day to recover, every other day
>"wtf is wrong with you"
Yeah, no.
Ok, thanks user.
It's a compound lift routine made for beginners you tard
McDonald drive through and marvel movie language... think i give FUCK?????
They're pretty good. Do 5x5 as long as you can but move on to 3x5 after deloading 3 times, then 3x3 but start doing more accessory work once you can't do 5x5s anymore
This is what I did that got me massive gainz and made it easier to transition to aesthetics
Day a
Bench 3x5 or 3x3
Rows 3x5 or 3x3
Squat 3x5 or 3x3
Dumbbell rows
Side lateral raise, facepulls
Day b
Squat 3x5 or 3x3
Ohp 3x5 or 5x3 (ohp works well with high volume and frequency than intensity)
Deadlift 1x5, 2nd set 80% working set, 3rd set 65% (you can train this pyramid style with your 2nd and 3rd working weight as warmup leading to the top heavy set then ramping down, I'd do higher rep ranges for these)
Inclined dumbell press
Side lateral raise, facepulls
At some point i abandoned bench press and side lateral raises and started doing ohp every training day and replaced bench press with heavy dips just for the hell of it. I also trained my rear delts way more by super setting facepulls and rear delt raises, and doing band pullouts before bed and waking up in the morning
I've never had any shoulder problems despite dipping and pullups with 100lbs for 8 reps at 170lbs bodyweight and pressing 165 for 6 reps.
Why is he a shill?
Was hoping for a bit more discussion on this if I'm honest. Is it probably the best beginner routine?
Seriously...I'm confused