>complimented 2 girls on my walk today
Have i found the secret whitepill? I am overcoming my autism by randomly complimenting cute girls at the gym or out on my walk. Soon i will be able to ask for their number
>complimented 2 girls on my walk today
Have i found the secret whitepill? I am overcoming my autism by randomly complimenting cute girls at the gym or out on my walk. Soon i will be able to ask for their number
>Looking good today, ladies!
>Then just walk away
it's not that simple, but it's a good start op. being able to randomly compliment cute girls > not being able to talk to them at all
OP is going to get pepper sprayed by a random empowered and strong independent woman
kek can't wait until you become known at the harassing creep you are
the women are going to tell all of their friends about this creep who catcalls women and they'll point you out to their friends so that they stay away from you, "make sure you're not anywhere near him alone"
We had someone like this when I was at college, he would randomly compliment women and thought he was the shit but all the women thought he was creepy as fuck and tried to walk a different path than him
He eventually got fired from a lab teaching assistant job because he kept complimenting girls when he was helping them
describe the interaction op please
That's just really disheartening :(
Don't compliment random women
I don't, but what if I want to be friendly? I'm bad with socializing but I try to be nice to people. I don't want to seem like a creep for it though
The ultimate whitepill is saying “hi beautiful” to girls as they walk by. Try it and see how many blush, giggle, smile or even straight up stop in the tracks hoping that you’ll keep talking to them.
Bonus: after you say “hello beautiful” follow up with “can I ask you something?” Works like a charm.
I’m also 6’, in shape and dress well. Ymmv
don't compliment lol. say good morning/ afternoon/ evening. and continue your journey. don't wait for a response
that only works with guys in the 8/10 region or else you're an ugly creep
You can socialize without making creepy remarks (randomly complimenting cute girls is creepy). You can say hello, smile/nod, and keep going on your way. Social interaction with strangers should have 0 hint that you are attracted to them, unless you really are good at picking up social cues (and it sounds like you are not). Even then, its best not to say anything. Everything is in context, though; at a club the expectation might be different (but you can still come off as creepy at a club, most definitely).
If its something you wouldn't say to a guy friend, its not something you should say to random strangers.
Someone said this to a girl who works with me, and she called the company they work for and told them about it, he got fired last I heard
It works until it doesn't kek
Nah ill just die an incel. Not one for conformity you blackpilled retard
You are a retard. Op here and girls say thanks and smile afterwards fucktard
Op here. I cant win. This is a big step up from just being able to stare at girls and you are fucking putting me down. Fuck you fit. All this after last night when all my classmates went to get a drink aftrt work without telling me and then i missed my exit on the way hime because i was angry and sad at them leaving me out so i drove for an extra hour on the motorway. All this after i complimented the girl even and she did not invite me out with the rest of the guys fir a drink. Fuck you I am done with acting classes i paid hindreds for them but this is the camel that broke the camels back im done im going monk mode and never returning to civilisation fuck you guys i even signed up a college course to become a nurse but im regrettijg it now becaus i have ocd fuck you cbt doesnt fucking help im a genetic dwad end i even brought a rope to kill myswlf wirh well the day approaches nothing left for me no hope
>Nah ill just die an incel.
>Op here and girls say thanks and smile afterwards fucktard
If you're as socially retarded as you come across, you probably wouldn't be able to tell a real smile and thanks from a "oh jesus just smile and nod"
And another incel school shooter is born
Youre cute!
GUYS i can grab any girl i want now!
This user sounds like he shits on the street
lol why are people so against compliments? There's a difference between PUA "hey girl ur cute" and complimenting someone on their hair/outfit/gains.
People like to be seen, not just treated like a receptacle for tinder pickup lines.
There is a difference between using compliment to start a convo and complimenting and walking away like an autism bitches be like "WTF did this guy want?"
>lol why are people so against compliments?
Everything in context. This is Zig Forums, most people here are spergs, and their random compliments are almost entirely sexual and/or are some form of saying "I think you're hot".
With the current backlash on cat-calling and the empowerment of women to get a person fired for making remarks to them, I'm trying to prevent sperglords with no social life from getting arrested, deciding all women must die, and pulling an elliot rogers.
>complimenting someone on their hair/outfit/gains
Let's not pretend that this is what OP or most people here are talking about.
Dude must've been ugly. Try it with a 6'3 square jawed chad. Then again, that guy doesn't need to complinent girls to get their attention. Just get within their eyesight.
Op here
Thanks fit i am forever blackpilled. Fuck improving myself im quitting everything
Actually i know what you blackpillers are doing: you are gatekeeping sex and gfs
>Thanks fit i am forever blackpilled. Fuck improving myself im quitting everything
Im not wven trolling
What do you ask them?
Do what you want OP, if it works for you it's good, you are brave, it's a good first step.
Don't be stupid, girls want what they can't have and what other girls have. Be a little colder, mysterious, and never change for a girl. Do what you want and she will respect you more. Once she broken you down to a beta you are not intresting any more.
Not a good idea to say it to people you work with. Being aggressive like that is better for people who you’ll never see again
What kind of world do you think we live in?
Heterosexuals are under assault. Women these days are just looking for daddies in the government, their bosses, and any other man with some sort of authority.
Thanks man. I will pursue my goals of attaining discipline independent of women. I have ocd which makes me say creepy shit out of strees
Quit Zig Forums and go outside. This place doesn't do you any good
Doesn’t even matter honestly at that point. It’s really just a way to gauge their interest, if any. Some girls will ignore you, some will think you’re a shithead. But what you’re looking for are the ones who have an obviously positive reaction like stopping to talk to you, engaging with you, smiling, laughing etc. A lot of them even spill spaghetti surprisingly.
Its actually way easier to approach girls with a compliment like this than it is to try and do it in a roundabout way that hides your interest. They appreciate the directness.
I honestly get the feeling that most of them rarely get approached by anyone so when it happens they get a “oh my god I’m getting approached it’s finally happening!” feeling. Kind of like how we talk about mires on this board.
Imagine being such a cuck as to allow society and group psychology to pressure you into cultural conformity. Cuck. I am going to do what i want independent of the consequences. A fear of prison is a life not worth living haha