Tfw not autistic enough to count calories

>tfw not autistic enough to count calories
Is there any one who got to abs and lean low 10% bf without counting calories?

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Me hopefully in some months. I'll let you know

I'm still a fatty, but you don't really need to count calories just eat low fat foods and absolutely no sugar.

If you eat nothing but lean meat and vegetables and work out constantly you will get there, but seriously no sugar. You can get below 10% body fat without working out, you just need to eat vegan for a few years or something.

I've done it by just guestimating and not eating like a retard. Just stick mostly to lean meats and veggies, stay away from straight carbs, fast foods, or fried foods. Also don't drink your calories.

Autism is great for counting calories

Autismbux is great for all the spare time it gives me since I don’t have to work

One meal a day.
Stop eating that meal once you're full.

>not autistic enough to count calories
why are you here?

There’s shit loads of normies here since 2016 and smart phones went mainstream

>How do I get what I want without putting in the effort

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I mean I'm almost at 10% and I did it by just guessing and working out hard.

It wouldn't make a difference if you were. You'd just notice everything is bullshit.

You can count, dance around like a fucking nigger, and the scale Jew will say whatever it wants too. It's an elaborate RNG and you really have no way of knowing how well you're progressing other than seeing muscle and how clothes fit which can take weeks, months even. So why is there so much money in this industry and why aren't they receiving bomb threats?

You could lay there and just starve yourself pretending like you're fucking dead and it wouldn't make a lick of difference to all these faggots.

What money is in the “Calorie tracking”? Or “big calorie” you low IQ nigger gimp

I track calories, and have not spent a cent to do it. Actually consider ending your life.

I'd rather kidnap your kids and sell them into human trafficking

You want me to show everyone your address? I can

This isn't a fight you want to have

>What money is in the “Calorie tracking”? Or “big calorie” you low IQ nigger gimp

You'd be surprised how badly the diet food industry wants you to be obsessed with calories since it's far easier to track numbers with premade prepackaged food than with whole foods that don't come in precisely measured portions. Have you tried hitting exact calorie and macro targets with foods like potatoes and chicken? You have to chop everything into tiny cubes and weigh every portion individually just to put them back into a freezer bag or tupperware cup. It's crap.

I'm not doing all that I'll just say small potato 200 big potato 300

But that CICO guy is retarded. As are most CICO cult members

>still a fatty
>eat low fat foods
that figures

I’m not a waggie I have the time to track and cook fresh foods properly.

Lol at being a meal prep cuck because you have to be on the ball for Mr Shekelstein

My kids would cook you and eat you for lunch

The problem with being overly focused on CICO is both your CI and CO are both impossible to measure accurately. You're going to be off by about 10% if you're a great tracker. Maybe 5% if you're a true sperg who weighs the mustard and relish on the sandwich he made with bread and turkey he also weighed.

I personally don't find having abs worth spending all that time weighing every last food item to the gram and logging everything into a spreadsheet when it's not even completely accurate anyway.

>Maybe 5% if you're a true sperg who weighs the mustard and relish on the sandwich he made with bread and turkey he also weighed.

If you consider that “sperg” you’re not one to have ever tracked calories properly.

That’s actually what you’re supposed to do. To track everything, not just what you feel like tracking.

Sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by mentally retarded apes.

>If you consider that “sperg” you’re not one to have ever tracked calories properly.
Except I've been that sperg. I've also not been that sperg. The difference in terms of results is negligible.

I did but I counted calories in my teens using MyFitnessPal for 3 months and now i just eye everything out

What to eat and how much should be learned from experience for you goals. Counting calories is good at first to have some kind of reference to how much should be be eaten. Everything else depends on your body. Or you can just roid while building muscle and losing fat while eating a some meme diet.

That’s only because you’ve never pushed your calories and bodyfat to an extreme range. If you did, you would know there is a big difference of tracking those extra 50-200 calories of condiments

Lol packaged food calories labels can legally vary by around +-20% calories. Fuck that noise. If you really want to lose weight you can just fast for day or two. Guaranteed big calorie deficit, improved hormonal profile, body takes rest.

That's only if you're cutting slowly.

I usually slice 100 or 200 calories off my calorie target to account for condiments anyway.

Second these, and add

1) intermittent fasting & low carb
2) LISS cardio 3x weekly
3) heavy compound lifts 3x weekly
4) sleep 8 hrs / night

Continue for 6 months. Congrats, you now have a very nice body.

Imagine having to count calories to get lean lmao. I literally eat whatever I want including ice cream and other crap all the time and can still maintain decent abs. The secret is to have reverse cheat days where you simply don’t eat fuck all, which really isn’t that difficult if you have a social life and other hobbies.

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How old are you user?

27 years young, why you ask?

>I literally eat whatever I want including ice cream and other crap all the time
We can tell. You look dyel and don't even have decent abs

Never counted, its not that hard, dont eat like shit.

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Bruh it’s now the morning here and I’ve been eating all day so yeah my abs aren’t exactly poppin rn but they are still visable
>look DYEL
Post body

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Because this strategy stops working at 35-40.

>"lets get one of all the guys"
>"hang on bros let me just take my shirt off for this one, gotta show off my lumpy body and untanned skin"

As you can see i just went snorkelling/diving, an outdoor activity generally done in the sun without a shirt. Try leaving your room bud