A big part of sexual health is your pee pee so let's talk our penises
For girls you can participate too! If you are a female post your body
A big part of sexual health is your pee pee so let's talk our penises
For girls you can participate too! If you are a female post your body
I'm thinking of using a metronome to keep a good thrusting tempo, does it sound too autistic?
larp thread?
I ended up posting the imgur in the other thread so many fucking times here is my dick faggot
Zig Forums3vWCbfJ
It's autistic if you do quarter notes You're good if you do eighth notes. Switch to triplets the make the bitch cum
I do this for stamina
>does it sound to autistic
Yes it's very autistic
But also do you think a girl would notice? I'm not going to put it right on the bedhead ofc.
just count the beats in ur head like 1-2-3-4 2-2-3-4 3-2-3-4 4-2-3-4 etc
really just 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 ur not counting bars lol
You are by far the most insufferable annoying namefaggot on this god forsaken board. Attention whoring sperg on every single thread. Post body as well so I can laugh at it.
My cock has weird bumps on it and its just a skin thing not an STD or papules. Im worried that my cock is ugly but idk if I could post a pic or it would get me band
I'm really bad at this, can't focus on something like that without losing boner.
I was thinking maybe instead of a metronome using some rythmic/tribal percussion music?
It most def. would get you b&.
It doesnt matter dude. Its another cock on the internet where theres billions. No one is here to jack off to your cock, if you have a problem post it maybe with a spoiler and someone else could possibly help or offer advice.
Heres an embarrassing question myself. How do i get an std test? Never gotten one before. I have NO idea about any medical shit I have, my mom literally handles all of that. Never went to the doctor much but i would like a record of this for my own mental being. What if I walk in and they ask for a bunch of forms or cards and shit that I have no idea about?
"Y-yeah guise this is Zig Forumsness related!!"
>women post body
>men post about your cocks
God damn what a terrible post. You coomers killed this place.
I guess the file size is too large (lol) for me to post a pic anyway.
As for the std thing. There are tons of free clinics if you live in a civilized major city. Otherwise set up an appointment with your doctor and you can have it done at the doctors office/hospital.
I just recently got tested and I'm all clear.
Just open ms paint and resize it dude. A lot of guys apparently have these skin color bumps on their dick. There was one posted last thread with the same worries as you, but I think it looks fine.
I hate to step into such a jewish temple, but there is a planned parenthood like 15 minutes away from me. Do they have a free test?
Ok here is my dick. Notice the bumps on the glans. Is it fucking gross or not?
Hmmm. Im an ex coomer. Seen lots of porn, the studio stuff and amateur stuff. I think i can recall one amateur video where the guys dick had those bulging bumps on the glans. It does look off, but since its not red with green yellow puss squirting out its fine in my opinion.
Its definitely not an infection its just the way my skin is since childhood. Im worried that a grill would leave me because she could score with any dude with a normal dick once she sees this.
I think youre overthinking it a bit. If you got to the point where you two are gonna be naked and shes gonna have your cock in her to begin with, she can overlook an abnormal ridge/bump as long as you can assure her its not some deadly disease. Of course, I have no idea how a roastie would think.
I think it just comes from the fact you're cut.
Why is there always chinks on this board, they all look the same and have some of the ugliest bodies.
op just wants to brag about his cock
You are retarded
Just an hypothesis, I'm not cut myself.
>fuckin a bitch
>open phone resting
>see this fucking faggots dick
delet this shit
Everyone on this anonymous website is very impressed with you.
>fuckin a bitch
jerkin off
>open phone resting
switch tabs
>see this fucking faggots dick
coom to dick
u mad?