>Who is /fat/ for? For oleaginous overeaters who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss >What do I do first? 1. Read the Zig Forums sticky liamrosen.com/fitness.html 2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy 3. Calculate your TDEE sailrabbit.com/bmr/ Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or you will inevitably get a way too high TDEE. 4. Plan your weight loss week by week losertown.org/eats/cal.php 5. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need myfitnesspal.com(better for packaged food) cronometer.com(better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)
>Now what do I do? Count calories, all of them. Calculate your TDEE at sedentary Eat about 500 less calories than your TDEE Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables. Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight. Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks. Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this. Drink more water Post your height and weight when asking for advice
>DON'T Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it. Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks. "Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself. Be a retard.
I only did power level 14 for an hour on the exercise bike instead of 15 because it's so humid.
Brody Cooper
Nice trips What if I just ate protein ice cream like 4 times a day, it's super filling. I'm sitting at having eaten 800 calories today and I'm full because three hours ago but started eating a 200 calorie bowl of protein ice cream.
Logan Campbell
I've heard you should try to get most your protons from "real food" and not proton scoops.
Henry Campbell
I feel like I have better motivation to work out and less of an urge to overeat when I'm at my parents' house than alone at home.
Evan Jenkins
>tfw I have such bad anxiety I can't go down to the kitchen when my parents are near there Living alone is way better for me. I can cook whenever I want.
Owen Flores
You're right, plus I would get tired of it really quickly. It's a glorious treat, though, voluminous food.
Get a better haircut and you'll be way hotter. You're already p. good lookin.
Jaxon Brooks
>tfw too much of a self-conscious faggot to take my bike for a spin I bought it years ago, let it collect dust, fixed it recently, put air in the tires, and chained it up in front. I haven't ridden it once because I don't want to be the 28 year old guy failing to ride a bike in public. I just want to go on some cheeky night rides...
Camden Parker
just ate 8 bags of chips today and gonna eat 2 more for dinner lmao. im going over my 1400 goal but fuck it
Hey bub I'd recommend costco's organic PB. It's the best I've found for the price. Santa Cruz is pretty good though.
Jordan Walker
Now that my $15000 of debt is sorted and paid off and the house cleaned properly, me and wife actually got the weights together and we did our first proper workout.
and it was a killer. and I'm way weaker than i should be.
Gabriel Carter
I've lost weight and I've noticed my feet are less wide. How much "thin" can my feet get?
Charles Martinez
no one cares about your shitty ass blog and kill yourself namefag
Joseph Nguyen
April 2nd 2020 265lbs August 24th 2020 180 lbs I'm getting there bois, 20 lbs to go
Today's my first day back on the wagon. I fell off for a bit because I thought I had THE VIRUS but my test came back negative.
Low carb time. No more sodas of any kind, no more fake or real sugar. I would skin a baby alive for a Coke right now. It'll get better soon, I hope.
Jackson Martin
At my heaviest I was 383 pounds. Today I hit my first major goal of losing 50 pounds. I was 330 today.
Couldn't have done it without Zig Forums. Thanks bros.
Now for the next 50.
Carson Carter
you can drink flavored carbonated water, there's a bunch that taste like different sodas with just water and "natural flavors"
Landon Roberts
I've looked at the bottles on those, and all of the ones I've run into have Sucralose/Aspartame in them. I'm trying to learn to love tea and coffee in the meantime.
Cameron Fisher
fizz & co. seltzers is my go to when I wanna drink soda, their dr pepper is pretty good
Aiden Evans
>tfw only shitty Walmarts near me.
Living in the Southwest is suffering.
Hudson Perry
Good job user, there's still a lot of work to be done but good job. Imagine how cool it'll be to at one point say you dropped practically a whole person off your body. Wicked stuff.
How the fuck did you drop so much so fast? Besides being young, of course.
Hunter Allen
Is it even fucking possible to preserve muscle when my 20-hour part time retail job involves me walking for nearly 5 hours straight 4 times a week and I walk and bike fucking almost everywhere because I don't own a car?
I'm ngmi aren't I?
Charles Nguyen
Julian Reyes
if you stop eating as much food you lose weight
Adam King
Now THIS is the shit I like to see. Well done, king!
>Uses Rob Schneider for encouragement Clean out your reaction folder...
Lincoln Sanchez
If you're a fat fuck, I'd keep my mind more on losing the fat than worrying about preserving muscle. Once you're down to a more acceptable weight, then you can concentrate on bulking and so forth.
Isaac Gonzalez
Rob Schneider is richer and more successful than anyone in this thread.
Clean out your biases, user.
Nicholas Wilson
What does that even mean? I want to preserve muscle. I'm not sure if your poking fun at my post or what. I'm not going to /fast/ though and I'm not trying to.
James Stewart
He's also a terrible wash-up actor lol
Benjamin Nguyen
Fasting doesn't destroy muscle. That's a myth. I mean if you fast you'll lose a LITTLE muscle, but mostly you'll lose fat really quick once you burn through your stored liver/blood glucose and your insulin drops.
Hudson Cook
i have a horrendous soda addiction, its a miracle my face doesnt look like the moon