Move to new city

>move to new city
>search for decent gym
>find one
>go inside
>bunch of military flags and pro America shit
>see a fucking thin blue line flag
>nope the fuck out

Has this happened to anybody else?

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Try Planet Fitness

whats a thin blue line flag im not an amerifag

Sounds like a based, high t gym.

flag of blue lives matter conservatards

are you black? because i don’t see the problem here unless you’re one of them colored folks

Umm... Those aren't microaggressions, those are MAJORaggressions. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like for a POC to be faced with that.

Stay brave!

oh lol what's the fucking point of politicising a gym

> living in America
> not pro-America

You have to go back

conservatards are just as huge of fags as liberals

dumb fash

To keep homos like OP away, obviously.

Heh. Jokes on this guy.

I'm centrist

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I have a very strong feeling in the force that you are a weak little bitch
>inb4 conservitard
Just lift weights you god damn pussies, no one in there is going to force you to like cops or the military and i doubt theyll even ask if you do.
Take this shit back to Zig Forums faggot

I think something like Planet Fitness would be more your style, or a yoga studio where they give out free onions after class.

>nigger detected

but look if ur OP u should've just worked out without caring much for other people, don't take politics that seriously. u can disagree and still coexist without bothering each other.

not giving money to fascists, sorry

Very based

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Perhaps reddit would suit you better, sir.

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This, OP is looking for a gym with safe spaces and reaffirmation pegging classes to cope with people having freedom and conservative values so he can tweet about it later with his BLM posts

Moshi moshi, baitu desu

based gym

i'm looking for one of those

>if you don't suck Trump dick you're le epic r3ddit basedboi

I wish you Zig Forumstards would stay in your containment board. Seriously, you have to have an IQ

>not giving money to fascists, sorry
you say this as you jerk to sissy porn on a smartphone created by children paid 5 cents a day who live under fascist rule in China, all while simultaneously shitting into a bowl of fresh clean water
100% never lived under fascism, you are the epitome of misguided privileged youth.
Stop pretending to be better than other people and go LIFT SOME FUCKING WEIGHTS.
weak little bitch
>pic related is OP

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They'll probably shoot anyone who doesn't put away the weights sounds based as fuck


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>not the most fascist state currently existing
retard alert

I would probably walk in their as a black guy and be just fine, why did you feel so uncomfortable.

Noone here has said anything about trump but you. Coping much?

Are you a faggot?

holy shit this is the epitome of zoomer woke bullshit "America is fascist"
Have you ever talked to any immigrants? You know, ones who were escaping ACTUAL fascism?
go back to plebbit, ffs, stop trying to bring politics to Zig Forums by whining about flags in a gym. You don't even have to look at them

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>retard alert
Yes, you are finally self aware

name ONE fascist state currently in existence you fucking retard


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>50c has been deposited into your WeChat account
>Your social credit score has increased by 1

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