You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".

Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.

Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING

Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?


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You're a fucking retard and ngmi. Get out

ok kike

The guy obviously lifts tho. what's your point?

>i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing
Wanna know how I can tell you've never talked to a girl?

You realise "chads" just
>dont eat too much
Fucking fat mong

Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either *BBC or NOTHING

all of you morons taking the bait like your protein shakes

This reeks of failure, resentment, and sadness.
It's said all the time on this board, but if you're lifting for woman, you're literally NGMI.

I'm sorry to have to tell it to you guys, but even a good looking face and magnificent body won't get girls to like you. Surely they are more inclined to talk to you at first but the moment they sense even the slightest deviation from the norm in your behaviour you're no different to the ugly creep writing them, in their minds

OP must be bored.

This is bad b8 but these faggots will still bite.


Chad can talk to girls about Star Wars lore and they’ll be like ‘wow chad that’s so interesting tell me more’

>Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his steroids

Even the most squat frog-faced gymcel can "eat pizza and stay ripped" with enough tren.

how would you know?

also that's me. not a 10/10 but most girls tell me I'm attractive. Still I manage to fuck things up because im literally mentally ill

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Depends. If the girl is drunk and its a one night stand in the club Chad can literally do anything and end up having sex. In the "real world" yes personality plays a huge part

And then there's you, neither a chad nor a gymcel, just a scrawny loser with a defeatist attitude, as he both lacks the genes of the chad as well as the willpower of the gymcel. You are the lowest of the low and not even trying to change this

Nah that's bs, I'm genetically muscular even before I started this whole eating healthy and working out thing. And I can definitely eat pizza now and not get fat

You can talk about anything with confidence and charisma and women will be attracted. "Star Wars" is a TOPIC not a BEHAVIOR.

A better example would be being incredibly good looking but then saying some aspie "y-you t-too" shit with low value.

In other words, it doesn't matter how hot you are, if you're cringe women will sense that and run.

You're OK I guess, no homo.

Why you taking pictures like a hoe though? That photo looks so filtered / touched up.

is just one snapchat filter to make my arms look bigger (more brown)

Pizza is top tier bulking food though.
Just work out hard and you can have all the pizza you want.

desu not even false. sucks but thats damn true

>not bacon

mutt's law



Not him but I dont like pepperonis on a pizza and Im very open minded,but I prefer a pizza without pepperoni

the chad lives with what he was given, does he appreciate it? maybe, but we would do the same

the gymcel works hard to make up for what he doesnt have, does he appreciate it? surely, but not always

and then theres you bro, shitposting on a self improvement himalayian salt yogurt flavoured taste testing forum.

you can eat whatever you want as long as you don't pig out

>go squat
>haha dopamine synthesis go brrrrrr

Pro tip for you incel retatds; you resemble the life you live. That's why soldiers LOOK like soldiers, academics like academics and you look like a bitter channer
Your body, deportment, etc. mirrors the way you interact with the world.

So, if you want to stop looking like an incek and start looking like a chad, start livo5ng like one. Party, play sports, do fun shit outside. Get a boat and invite good looking young people out for beers and water skiing. Play volleyball or make a bonfire on the beach. Do anything you see in a beer commercial, honestly. just stop shitting up the board.

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Your imagined Chad doesn't exist.

You're piecing together narratives that don't really exist.


1. Chad roids (coach says he needs to get big)
2. Chad's been working out so much a couple hundred or even a thousand cals isn't getting him fat
3. You're taking a single picture or a single event of a jacked person eating pizza as evidence that's something they do all the time and not this one time

>Do anything you see in a beer commercial
not op but dont see many uggos in commercials desu

Dude what the fuck is up with your hair? It looks like a helmet. Fix that shit.

ITT: double digits falling for low tier bait.