You skipped leg day AGAIN? Jesus fuck user

You skipped leg day AGAIN? Jesus fuck user.

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Legs meant go fast long time moving not go heavy short time one place

let me bang bro

fuck off squatcel

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This is haunting



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tip top kek

>tfw you cause hip and back problems for life by intentionally altering your pelvic tilt to exaggerate your ass

peak degeneracy..

wtf is with that abdominal bloat

every day is leg day

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Why would such an aryan God fuck with a sheboon?

>mfw i'm skinny computer nerd who does squats sometimes and have bigger legs than a fitness youtuber

SS + GOMAD ftw

Is it just me or is that girls posture terrible

How the fuck does this even happen?
I had better legs when I had literally never touched a weight and just biked a lot.

Aboslutely fucking not. God I fucking love leg day
Does anyone else feel like you're cooming when you do pic rel?

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haha yeah get a little tingle in my bird myself at the end of a high rep set. thought i was the only one

he's not an incel

>those scrawny bitch legs
>that little bitch weight on the princess squat machine


>Why would such an aryan God fuck with a sheboon?

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They are easy. Especially if you are a handsome white.
But I guarantee you are.

Colonial instincts!

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>love deadlifts
>did 315lbs x 5 for the first time ever

>hate squats
>repped 205lbs 3x5 today and had to rest 4 mins between each set and every rep was killing me.

maybe my squat form is off because my hip drive was hit or miss. I hate that it isn't at least 2 plate.

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Kekked and checked. That stupid bitch look 3/4 white though.

You record your form?
How is ankle mobility, spine straightness and hip angle? Assuming high bar?

low bar. I've widened my stance and am focusing on sitting my hips back and opening my knees at the same time now. I'll probably need to record it.

If not, do and analyze and ask.
Congrats on the diddly.

Jokes aside, why?

hey, please stop posting these pictures of me on Zig Forums. thanks!