30 pounds in 4 months?

Is it possible to get from 200 pounds to 170 from now until the end of the year? that would give me about 4 months. Any advice on how to keep myself motivated during it? I already go for 4 or 5k runs every day, its mostly just food thats my vice. I cant help myself from hitting the cornerstore and buying salty snacks just before they close.
Ive tried fasting, but that makes the temptation unbearable and I always crack.

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Why are liberals so fucking disgusting, of all the depictions of him being evil they choose naked perverse shit instead of just normal villainy

I think its because shallow and vain insults are the easiest ones to make. Anyway how lose weight

>Is it possible to get from 200 pounds to 170 from now until the end of the year?
Easily, when I was on my big cut doing keto, IF and calisthenics I lost 120 lbs in one year.
If you just fast the whole time like Connor Murphy and Angus Barbieri, you'll be at 170 after just 2 months.

Thanks! Ive tried fasting up to 72 hours but it just feels impossible

Because the Christfags that follow him cringe at anything slightly crude and "unpure". They mock Trigger Culture yet get triggered themselves quite easily, and I guess it's fun to provoke such blatant hypocrisy.

unironically keto

Not even rice? I always thought carbs like rice were good for you

Yeah, do IF and some keto should do the trick

Whats some good Keto food I should consider buying?

I was averaging 4lbs a week when I was doing alternative day fasting. It's really not that hard user. You basically eat normally one day then fast the next then eat the next then fast the next, etc. That's an 8,000+ calorie a WEEK deficit and you fucking shred the weight off super quickly even if you overeat during your non-fasting days (unless you're eating 4k+ calories each time, which is insane).

I have very low will power and extended fasts are impossible for me but c'mon every man can at least stick to an alternative day fasting schedule... it gets super easy after the first week.

Keto is overrated IMHO. Anybody can lose weight quickly without it.

At your weight yes. Eat at a 700kcal deficit. If you can't handle that, don't beat yourself up too much and just do a 500kcal deficit.

Let's help OP out and do the math.

A lb of fat is ~3,500 calories
So 30 lbs is ~105,000 calories
Divide that by 500 (cal) and it'll take you
210 days!!!
Or if 700 cal deficit:
150 days!!!

Mathematics baby.

so id have to do more than 700 cals for the 4 month goal I suppose.

4 months gives me 120 days
if I do a 1000 calorie deficit I should be able to do it in 105 days. So I guess the math checks out.

Would the results be faster if I combined the two?

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You had your whole life to do it even just 1 pound a month and you didn't, now you need to do it in 4 months?
1. 99% chance you weigh 200 in 4 months
2. 1% chance you do it and then weigh 210 by April

Set your calories to a couple hundred below the TDEE of where you think you want to be(170). Realize that is now your life. Also get off the couch.

I went from 220 to 155 in 9 months. If i where more serious about it could have probably done it faster.
just stop eating, easy as that

>why do they make fun of the donald? don't fat shame! :(
>because you're easily triggered
>lol u must be a fat neckbeard

>not even rice?
not even carbs, thats the whole purpose of keto. You already throwing up exceptions before even beginning on anything is not a good look. You are literally still in the advice stage. Sure they might be good for you but you didnt ask what is good for you, you asked if it was possible to lose weight in 4 months. Its not easy and your going to have to stick with something wholeheartedly for it to happen. Keto is a diet that works for a lot of people that follow it 100%, diet would be your best bet if you cant handle long term fasts.

seethe more commie, your days are numbered.

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What about jewish cock goblers, muzzie ball suckers, and atheist ass lickers?

Quite literally. One moment you're out peacefully protesting by trying to headstomp a guy who already shot a commie nigger in self defense, the next moment a bullet tears your bicep more thoroughly than a mixed grip deadlift ever would.

Don't do retarded shit like 72h fasts if you're not used to it, you will fuck up more than you have to.
Just fucking eat less.

Nigger you just proved his point.

I ate purely chicken thighs, eggs and low carb veg (most veg is fairly low carb in the quantities you usually eat it in.)

Keep it below 20g/carbs a day and you'll be fine no matter what.

bow down to your brown overlord cuckboi you stand no chance against superior me

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bro i lost like 15kg i thought it wasnt that much but hearing it like that makes me feel way more accomplished

>Ive tried fasting up to 72 hours but it just feels impossible
well, I can't help you with being a weak-willed leftist faggot.

OP here
For a little context, I was 300 pounds last March, and I had a goal set to be 170 by the end of 2020 and im just worried I might be a bit off schedule. Me not having the work ethic isnt the issue.

I lost 30kg in 3 months by fasting you can do it OP

I just googled "fat fuck" and picked the picture that I thought would get the most attention for my post. Youre proving that it worked.

thanks :)