Is this your "high test" woman or just a thicc thot roastie for black dudes ready to hit the wall?
What type of body does she have /fit?
the good kind
Do thin/skinny chicks get grossed by obese hogs?
If you mean grossed out, yes I am getting very nauseous looking at these photos
What's wrong then?
Imagine the smell from these lard asses
Not good?
No, very bad
Isn't this a Dutch bitch? If she was skinny she look like a cardboard box
Waar komt deze sensi spam vandaan. En ja, ze is te dik.
Hoezo te dik?
She isn't ready to hit the wall, she already did
>I don't fuck around
>I fucked like 60 guys in two semesters.
What's wrong with her then? Where do you see her fat?
>60 guys
Day of the rope when?
Basically, she gained the weight from bad things like sugar, alcohol, and saturated fats.
If she would have gained it from a balanced diet but eating at a surplus, her tits and/or ass would have more fat on them than her tummy
I would help her lose weight then show her how to train Dem glutes
Literally perfect holy shit
Absolutely delicious
If you fap to skinny women, you're one mis-click away from fapping to men
Dude find a gf or have sex
>bad things like sugar, alcohol, and saturated fats
one of these does not belong
This picture is the epitome of trickery
Look at how small her tiddies are from the side in the above pics
That suit is pulled all the way down and she's turned so there's the most extreme lighting across her cleavage making it look bigger than it is
Cellulite is hot bro, looks very natural
For women, it does belong
Cholesterol is one of the building blocks of testosterone. Pump too much fat in a chick, her test gets a little too high and she holds fat like a dude
Basic biology
Great retard science
kek, no.
And here? Looks big to me.
Eh, she needs to tone up some.
This proves me right lmaooooo
Okay baby, you go pump your gf full of pizza and see where she stores the fat
1/10 bait.
80 IQ detected
ze is kankerdik
Lol helemaal niet