What’s the Zig Forumstest role in the army that won’t kill me or leave me stuck there for all of my life?
What’s the Zig Forumstest role in the army that won’t kill me or leave me stuck there for all of my life?
Not joining? Minimum 4 years of losing gains
I'm not entirely sure myself but I met guys from the queen's royal hussars and the loaders on the tanks had fucking huge arms from constantly lifting shells for the tanks. Shit was fucking mad.
have you considered getting a real job
not joining lmao
glory days are over, joining the adult Boy Scouts won’t get you good pussy any more
I tried. Just finished an accounting degree, but realised I despise office work. I’m looking for a quick way out cause I don’t really want to go back to schooling unless I’m getting paid for it, and everything these days needs some form of qualification.
anything close to lucrative enlistment will lead to office work
do landscaping
>spend years getting a degree for something you never even liked in the first place
literally how does this even happen
Indecisiveness. Took me forever to decide on something to pursue and I only picked it because accounting jobs are always prevalent and there’s potential for decent money. Kinda hated it from day 1 but I didn’t want to quit too early and long story short now I’m here and still indecisive.
If you can't handle sitting in an air conditioned room doing fuck all for 8 hours a day the army isn't going to be for you man
try to get finance for your specialization then
Almost nothing is that fun when you need to do it every day for 8+ hours. Grow up, work for money and use your free time for things you actually enjoy.
OR dont and end up doing something else that has high chance still not being what you really want to do.
By being a dumb normalfag that had the opportunity to go to college and acquire a degree and still waste it. Get shot, OP, you fucking loser.
dude, 80% of army positions/jobs are office like.
motor t
Do your service and end up qualifying for PMC work. Then go ham and get rich or die
It’s not too that can’t handle it it’s that I don’t want to do it for a living. It’s depressing work.
I just got a first class honours in computer science and I don't like it much
It sucks because I've spent the past 4 years drinking and playing video games like a retard instead of doing all the personal projects that actually matter so now I have the piece of paper but not a lot to show for it
Now I'm doing a masters lmao kill me
My point still stands, if you find ez work like that depressing, you don't have what it takes mentally to do 16 hour days in the army
Not joining desu
>t. currently in the military
You're better off just getting a student loan and enjoying your freedom. I won't say any more otherwise I'll start coming off as a racist.
There, I said it for you.
I enjoyed my time in the Army when I was younger. Made a lot of friends, got a lot of ass, saw some cool places. If you truly have no idea what to do with your life, it’s really not a bad way to go.
The only way you avoid this is by going into the more elite areas of the military (ie spec ops, or other programs that aren't advertised to people at all). That way you get the fuck away from people using the military as a welfare system instead of fulfilling one's duty to one's country.
What was your role? And what are you doing now that you’re out?
Combat engineer, I work for a health insurance company now in a cushy office job. Not really ideal, but the money is good and I get to see my family every night.
>using the military as a welfare system
...you mean like most relatively sane people do? fulfilling your duty's a meme and most of the people who believe in it are weirdos and the military literally gives people an incentive to use it as a crutch, stop pointing figures at muh minorities and women
I always figured that in peace time a primary purpose of the military was to reduce unemployment.
you've obviously never had a manual labor job. do one for one month and you'll realize it sucks ass. years down the line it also fucks up your body. you have a job where you get to sit in a chair. that's a dream for most people. you're a huge dipshit if you give it up for the military.
This is true by the way, user. I understand feeling restless as a young man which is why a short enlistment might be a good thing, but long term, physical labor fucks you up. I know so many guys that have fucked up backs.
Get a job as a dental assistant in the Army, work great hours and hang around qt3.14 privates all day and thick ass specialists and potentially get to fuck a captain cheating on her deployed husband. This is assuming youre not a sperg, attractive, and not a fake ass lifter with an otter body. The hours are great in dental clinics and gyms are free, as well as food is free, so get swole. There will be supp stores right outside the gate selling SARMS to get you highgeared into getring stronk. Their preworkout selections are also adequete usually.
Speaking from experience, almost everyone in tier 2 and tier 1 parts of the military just want to kill or do badass shit and dont feel a sense of duty