The feels bar is open. What's on your mind friends ?
The feels bar is open. What's on your mind friends ?
are you the same guy from instagram?
I feel like shit. I'm fit, popular, well educated, have a gf, have interests, have a loving family. But no matter what I can't escape that feeling of always being an outcast. Wtf
Why was I born asian
Feeling down today. Kids were supposed to start school soon, youngest in kindergarten, and I was going to go get a job doing something productive. I've been waiting for this for goddam years, telling myself yeah, being a stay at home dad sucks, but it'll be over in 2020.
Well, they start school 100% virtual in a week. Still stuck here pretending to be a housewife, and I'm so tired of it.
Making gains at least. I sleepwalk through my days until everyone goes to bed and then I can lift in peace, and all the numbers are going up.
I have a loyal girlfriend, she isn’t perfect but she loves me a lot and tries to make me happy. I get the impression that a lot of people in my family and my friend group don’t like her. I can see how she rubs people the wrong way sometimes, but she does mean well. A lot of the dislike towards her is unwarranted.
Honestly, I kind of want to break up with her but I feel bad even thinking about it. Everyone disliking her is a part of it but also because I feel like she loves me much more than I love her. I also have a big crush on her friend, who has flirted with me on multiple occasions. This crush also makes me feel like a piece of shit, as a lot of her exes have cheated on her(and she’s cheated on some of them).
I’m so afraid of breaking her heart. I just want her to be okay but I’m putting her feelings before my own.
I’m incredibly anti-semitic
I know that feel, bro. You can paint over your stripes, but you're still the same animal underneath.
Ur not the only one user
I'm in love with my buddy's girlfriend. We are three friends for over 8 years. They are in love and I feel terrible. She once told me she didn't view me as a sexual being. I laughed but something broke in me. I never had luck with girls. When I was a kid and I watched a movie where a cliché dork geek character appeared, I always had an atrocious feeling that it would be me one day. I don't kill myself because can't even purchase a gun in my cucked country, the firearms are too pricey, and because I want to see what comes next.
I feel like I was made to spectate life, not to experience it.