Is this guy legit...

Is this guy legit? I didn't know about him before he is funny and seems to be honest about roiding and is motivating because he has done and does a lot of stuff besides bodybuilding.

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he just shouts now, annoying
>honest about roiding
lol, he lies when he started roiding though.

He is not honest. He has video of him where he's clearly enhanched, but claims natty. He's honest about current steroid use, but lies about when he started using them. He's so insecure that he wants people to think he has good genetics.
Also imagine being 5'6 and saying that you have amazing genetics.

His voice is annoying. But he's making me feel guilty about not training harder than last time.

He says that 100000 times.

he has good genetics.

t. Gregg

That's why his height is shorter than that of an average woman in my country?

I get the feel that it's gonna get stale really fast, but for now I find him funny
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Also he says natty limit is about 25lbs of muscle more or less depending on genetics, wich I agree but then he says roiding will only give you an extra 15lbs on top of that. The question is if that's true how was Ronnie Coleman 136kg heavy when he was competing? The numbers should be double of what he claims to be true to make that possible.
Yeah he makes me wanna go run and train, and I find likeable. But it bothers me that he says some extreme shit when talking about genetics, like idk, he says that with bad genetics you can't even have abs wich seems idk, stupid.

just watch 5 of his videos. it's repetitive shit all the time desu

What you are saying is not making sense. The context of good genetics here is muscle building and strength. Which he obviously have very good genetics for. Your post is fucking embarrassing. Try harder thinking harder then last time.

>I get the feel that it's gonna get stale really fast, but for now I find him funny
Already stale as fuck.

>Also he says natty limit is about 25lbs of muscle more or less depending on genetics, wich I agree but then he says roiding will only give you an extra 15lbs on top of that.
I don't think that is what he said exactly there is more to it then that.

>But it bothers me that he says some extreme shit when talking about genetics, like idk, he says that with bad genetics you can't even have abs wich seems idk, stupid.
He is not wrong, there are some people that don't have visible abs and they don't get visible abs regardless of how much gear they take and how lean they get and how much they train their abs.

>Already stale as fuck.
I just found out his channel
>I don't think that is what he said exactly there is more to it then that.
Literally said that on one of his videos, he says roids are the icing on the cake. Maybe he said 50 and not 15 and I missunderstood him? But iI'm pretty sure he even says roids will give you half of your natty limit, so 25lbs natty 15lbs from roiding, wich I find unbeliable, he also talks a lot about people doing roids and not looking like they even workout but all the roiders at my gym are fucking ripped while lifting baby weights and doing extremely retarded shit.
>He is not wrong, there are some people that don't have visible abs and they don't get visible abs regardless of how much gear they take and how lean they get and how much they train their abs
Yeah I guess he is talking about people with diseases or genetic conditions when talking about very bad genetics.

Huge freaking liar, he's been on high doses of gear since he was 20 years old. Look at the old pictures, he looked like freaking jeff seid - screams trenbolone all over.

Greg, please stop making these threads.

>roids, becomes overconfident in the process
>shits on other people while pretending to be a professional
>youtube famous

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He's short, naturally very small but overcomes it with high doses of steroids, ugly, has some sort of mental illness or personality disorder, low iq (failed criminal and can barely spell), and he's in his 40s and failed to procreate.

I lost 22 kg using his diet hes a life saver

Roids are illegal, right? Can’t we call the cops on this asshole and have them raid his house for possession of illegal substances, using his videos as proof via admission?

>I just found out his channel
watch his old videos where he gives good advice. His recent ones are more just shit talking for views
>Literally said that on one of his videos, he says roids are the icing on the cake. Maybe he said 50 and not 15 and I missunderstood him?
If you link the video it gets easier. I think what he said is that if you go on a cycle you wont magically blow the fuck up and add an insane amount of muscle like most people think. Even with roids you gotta have to train for a long time to get really huge.

>But iI'm pretty sure he even says roids will give you half of your natty limit, so 25lbs natty 15lbs from roiding, wich I find unbeliable,
I don't think he said that. You are missing out on some nuance.

>he also talks a lot about people doing roids and not looking like they even workout but all
Yeah there are people that do not respond to steroids very well. Look at the picture, the dude is on everything under the sun and looks like shit and is small.

Attached: 8cc464ce8006c495a629c90d5f111e04.jpg (480x360, 14.76K)

>people doing roids and not looking like they even workout but all the roiders at my gym are fucking ripped while lifting baby weights and doing extremely retarded shit.
You only notice the big roiders, you don't see the roiders that take roids and look like shit. And when you do see them you dont think they roid.
Is this possible?

>If you link the video it gets easier. I think what he said is that if you go on a cycle you wont magically blow the fuck up and add an insane amount of muscle like most people think. Even with roids you gotta have to train for a long time to get really huge.
I'll try to find it, I binge watched yesterday so idk if I will be able to

low tier posting not even worth blowing you the fuck out. lurk moar

>25 lbs natty limit
Only if you are a manlet like him

That explains it

t. seething doucette cuck

1. Shredded
2. Natural
3. Full muscles
Pick 2 and only 2, once you get into the lower bodyfat zone your test tanks and your glycogen stores tank with it, it's physically impossible to be as filled out as he is while being lean, this guy is at least on trt + an oral steroid


He has crazy genetics. He said he could bench 200 at 12

>If you link the video it gets easier. I think what he said is that if you go on a cycle you wont magically blow the fuck up and add an insane amount of muscle like most people think. Even with roids you gotta have to train for a long time to get really huge.
it's this one

14:05 mark, he says 10-15% of your natty limit my bad, but still, that's even less lol

wait he is talking overall weight not only natty gains, that makes more sense I guess, but still how does ronnie coleman weight that much 136kg is just overkill were his genetics that much better?

No, he gives shitty advice. Like saying eating in a surplus is going to make you fat. Advice like this is why i wasted years of my life in the gym getting nowehere and wondering why. As soon as i said "fuck it" and decided to ditch the BS ideas of lean bulking or reducing bodyfat while getting bigger etc etc, all my lifts went up and i actually look like i lift now.

Moral of the story, don't listen to ANY e-celeb fitness youtubers, they're all full of shit.

Bulking is unnecessary.