Best fat burner?

Best fat burner?

So Im a pretty big buy, 220 pounds, boxer, endomorph. I train hard but I dont lift as its useless for me at the moment. Ive always been a big strong guy with extra fat. It doesnt affect my physique at all but its starting to piss me off as losing weight for fights is extremely difficult for me. Dont even start with the dont take gear bullshit. What should I take and where should I get it? If so what about importing it from alibaba

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Yohimbine/synephrine/caffeine is pretty solid. Good bit of research on it too. I'd wait a little bit to use the yohimbine until you're leaner, but it's worked pretty well for me. Even if its placebo, all that matters is that you're losing. I use legion's fat burner called "pheonix" for the synephrine, and just some yohimbine hcl pills.

Dnp if you wanna play it rough.

i use albuterol/salbutamol and works good as well

I didnt even see you said you were a boxer. Yohimbine would probably actually help you quite a bit to get leaner. Essentially makes the harder to lose areas easier to lose, like love handles/stomach. The science is pretty interesting imo

>Best fat burner?
There's no such thing. Caloric deficit burns fat.

stop eating
There is. It increases mitochondrial activity. It'll provably outright kill OP though.


Endomorph kek

Ephedrine. Worked great for me when I was 21 to get diced. Along with 20 mins bike cardio a day and eating at 2100cals

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Albuterol is the pussy version of clen
If you want something decent you go the DNP route
>inb4 u gunna die
Shut up retard you don't know what you're talking about, the only people dying from DNP are those who see it as a magic pill and think that if they burn X amount of fat with a dose, they'll burn 3X with 3 times the dose except they just die a horrible death.
>but muh PN and cataracts
Only women get cataracts from DNP and as for PN just don't be a retard and run a anti-oxidant supplement like NAC

I hear GW-501516 is good

High toxicity and causes cancer


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>causes cancer
if you take it for 2 years straight and at around double the normal dosage.

Maybe if you want to masturbate 12 times a day.

the insulin model is bullshit

I don't even know how to get DNP


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Eat less food

>muh starvation mode
Straight out of fatlogic 101

define insulin model

This guy already said the right answer. I used DNP from 260Ibs and hot down to 200Ibs, its mechanism also makes it so that your body keeps you at that weight. I have never gone over 200, ever, no matter how much trash I ate. Now I'm into fasting but I dont regret doing it.

>how tf do I get dnp

I dont know. The best and most pure guy around got caught.

>government would rather have fatties be fat and live off of disability than to change their life and risk dying if they're too fucking stupid to know the risk involve from taking a steroid. hmmm
why don't they just produce dnp like the Golden days. at least they will make sure its pure and safe to intake

>Best fat burner?


Says buy Alpha A5

Attached: LAMBO.jpg (960x960, 134.29K)
You'll find everything you need on there.
One important note : READ EVERYTHING, don't be a dumbass and kill yourself, you'll just make DNP look bad for the rest of us

You'll be forced to take a test on your knowledge to access the full discord anyways but the information you require for the test is given to you, just read. It's a failsafe to ensure people don't kill themselves using it.

thanks friend. actually, I've known about dnp for many years, its just that if I had access to it I'd be at my gw already. I am very mentally prepare to take it and mature enough to respect it. however I really need to learn more about it, because what I know is from Google. like it makes your body heat rise, you will soak the bed from sweating all night, overheating is a real issue. you get really hungry, your body metabolism goes up the roof. that's pretty much all I know

why don't you just eat less?

If that's all you know then you really need to read everything because there's a lot to know before diving in.
I do eat less, you can easily out-eat DNP, i just don't like eating less for long periods of time. Why eat less for 3 months when i can eat less for 3 weeks and get the same results

then eat more protein and increase your caloric deficit.
also, if you have to cut for so long, then you gained too much fat in the first place. if you're too immature to do that, you're too immature for dpn.