Why don't doctors give Testosterone if you're low normal? They say between 300 and 400 is good enough

Why don't doctors give Testosterone if you're low normal? They say between 300 and 400 is good enough.

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Because the benefits of going from low normal to normal or high normal are outweighed by the negatives in the eyes of most medical professionals.

you can tripple your T levels naturally by lifestyle, diet and applied knowledge.

How? Also include sources

Different user, but lower bodyfat, eat better, strength training, spend more time outdoors, sleep 8 hours a night. Most guys with low test have atrocious lifestyles then think trt is the answer.

because theres literally no difference between being 300 and 900

>They say between 300 and 400 is good enough.
Because they are retards, if u have 300-400 go to "anti aging" clinics or whatever the fuck they are called.
Shut it retard.

>having triple the testosterone of someone else wont help your gains

>Go to hrt shills that will charge you a massive markup for test and ai regardless of whether you need it or not.

They're protecting themselves from legal liability in case anything goes wrong. It's about them, not you.

That's a cop-out.

Self-medicating is the real redpill.

Doctors don't give a sitt about your gains, they prescribe trt for men with actual health issues. They're not going to prescribe you test for the rest of your life so you can make better progress in the gym.

literally this, its not that hard to live a DECENT lifestyle lmfao. fucking westerners.

>That's a cop-out.
How? Good doctors won't prescribe medication lightly. Certainly not for only slight benefits and before other avenues have been explored (lifestyle changes, serm therapy). The ones that do are shills that you should avoid.

This is oppression

I'd rather pay for results than pay to have a retard just say retard shit.

They unironically give it to you if you're jewisj

There aren't any detriments to going from low-normal to high-normal if it's done correctly. The problem is doctors are taught to give big fat injections once every couple weeks or so, and give huge AI doses to keep estrogen in check for the first few days after injection, when the patient's T is supraphysiological and just starting the slow decline back to borderline hypogonadism by last few days before the injection.

An actual good doctor will take the patient's symptoms into account and give TRT to men who are low-normal and experiencing symptoms of low T, or at least test for other things like free T and SHBG. It's just shit ones who use protocols like the one I just described that only look at total T and take that as the end-all be-all.

3000 dollars for a 6 month supply of test

>come here, it's time for your testosterone injection

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>low normal?

>Why don't doctors give Testosterone if you're normal?
they won't give you testosterone because you're in normal range you dumb faggot

what's the difference between free test and total?

Cope faggot.
Just transition and dilate and get it over with.

Total is all the T floating around in your body. Free is the amount of T usable by your body, which is a surprisingly small amount of your total. Meaning if you have low-normal T, and excessive amounts of it are bound up by binding hormones, you'll be effectively low T.

You could also be effectively low T if your androgen receptors are resistant to T.

You're the low test faggot and you're even bigger faggot because you want to go to the doctor to get test. Imagine getting this fucking butthurt because someone told you the truth.

>Just transition
and this is a projection

Imagine getting this mad lmao, you are already transitioning aren't you discord tranny?

Uniroincally, go to /fraud/ the average fit poster things you can boost T dramatically with meme supplements and loosing weight. It can boost it but for example if you've got a t level of 300, you'd be lucky to see a boost 100 bringing you up to 400ish. Which is still on the low end of things.

If you have test this low even if you got your shit fixed you'd still be well below optimal, go to a trt clinic

Doctors cant be liable if you are in "norm" and do nothing. The norm has been set lower over the years.

Bro doc told me he wont prescribe me shit but i should take some and he does bloodwork and takes care of sides.

Thats the state of our healt industrie.

>your balls cant produce much testosterone because of nutritional deficiencies, being a bitch, stress
>lets make them atrophy

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>They're not going to prescribe you test for the rest of your life so you can make better progress in the gym.
well what the fuck? How about they change that? Gains is essential to health dont they know that?

Because test bad, masculinity bad, I just ended up doing TRT myself was 450ng/DL at 24, was fit and lean and felt shit all the time, now on 200mg a week from UGL and I feel like a king almost all the time

>Bro doc told me he wont prescribe me shit but i should take some and he does bloodwork and takes care of sides.
Did he directly tell you that you should take steroids from shabby sources and he'll take care of potential sides? What in the fuck man

>Gains is essential to health dont they know that?
No, they're not. Exercise is essential to health. Being able to pass for a fake natty IG model is not.
Doctors know what you guys are trying to do here you know. If I was a doctor I would laugh at you and tell you to fuck off if you came into my office with a completely healthy hormone profile yet begging me for test.

Should I be concerned about my levels for a 21 year old?

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A doctor isn't gonna prescribe for several reasons.

They cannot prescribe for performance enhancement ever. They dont give a fuck you can't make gains if its gonna make their 10 years of study for nothing.

300-400 isnt catastrophically low by any means, and the level can be increased naturally, and varies from day to day wildly.

And the point that no-one likes to hear... testosterone is not safe. it should only be used if the damage caused by not supplementing it is worse than the drug itself. Even then you should use the least amount possible.