Trans fitness?

Trans fitness?

Hi, I'm a t-girl who has just started her transition, I'm chubby atm and have lost 11kg in 2 months already through dieting!

Now I want to know which exercises I could do to tone down a bit and have a girly shape (no bulking please).

Also, I appreciate detailed explanations about sets, reps and so on since I'm a newbie. Thanks! :D

btw, this is my discord if anyone wants to ask more questions b4 giving advice-> Cath#8965

Attached: tummy.png (1080x944, 545.3K)

I is a trans nigga too. Lift weights n shie homie.

OP here - I'm not trans btw, if that matters.

Wouldn't I get masc arms and back?

I know this a bait thread but I cant resist

If you want a bigger ass, do lowbar back squats and sumo deadlifts. For a set and rep scheme, read Starting Strength. Don't bother with benching or OHPing if you don't want upper body muscle. Mostly focus on cardio and diet, to be honest - any resistance training would be secondary

btw estradiol tablets will change your fat distribution. That doesn't mean you'll add fat to your boobs and ass automatically, but you will lose all that belly fat immediately as the fat you eat in your diet gets pushed into your boobs and ass. The tit and ass growth would obviously be faster if you were bulking, but the belly shrinkage would be slower, so you have to pick your poison on this one. Looks like you've already picked it, though. Keep cutting and get on that estradiol asap. Once you're cut and full of estrogen, bulking will give you about as feminine a figure as your bones will allow.

You are ugly, doesnt matter what gender you think you are. Just kys already

Don't get what you mean, are you saying im obese or?

No, if you over-train them they'll turn to sticc in no time.