September 3rd will mark 150 days of NoFap for me. How’s your nofap journey going? Did it help with your lifts?
September 3rd will mark 150 days of NoFap for me. How’s your nofap journey going? Did it help with your lifts?
what the fuck am i looking at
Reported for spamming and offtopic. You raiding reddit discordfags may post this shit in the r9k areas, fucking phaggots
NoFap and fitness are related. Many athletes practice self abstinence for better athletic performance.
Been working at it for about 3 months. Currently on day 2. Previous streak was 11 days. Longest streak was 15 days. Getting better at it. Honestly feel a little more emotionally intelligent already. More self aware. More motivated to lose weight and work out than before. Overall worth it so far. Only regret is that I didn't start years ago.
One week in, longest I've gone in a long time.
it's health and fitness related. Gfys
Great to hear. A lot of people underestimate the sense of ambition you get from NoFap.
Counting the days is probably the biggest trap to noFap, because it makes it seem like it's a big ordeal that takes a lot of willpower. That would psych you out and make it harder to continue. The correct way to go is to just not touch your dick but don't keep track of the days
This. After 40 days and 40 nights you’re out of the desert. Keep going but stop counting
Are you larping or is that actually you aanghel
It’s good to know when you started though.
looking fresh, bro. I'm a little bit past a 100 days and I've noticed I look so much better than when I was a coomer
Thanks. Keep it up.
three days in but this time it really feels like a switch flipped inside of me. I don't think I can fail this time. I've unlocked something
You've got this man. Go for 90 days.
Hell yeah bro
Tried nofap for the first time thinking it was BS but it's night and day.
I got the balls to join the US Army Reserves. I sleep less. I feel amazing, focused. I can do math without calculators (I couldn't even add basic numbers in my mind before).
I have lucid dreams. I feel like a kid again. Discipline and motivation is easy for me. It's incredible. I didn't even know about the the "super powers" until I googled why I felt so good and alive.
Try nofap if you are on the fence. I've had people tell me something changed about me. Strangers even ask if I "won the lotto" because I'm so happy and confident.
Based bro
how long is ur streak?
I lasted for 23 days back in march. Got unbelievably horny and angsty, basically it made me anguish over my situation at the time (living in a garage, looking for work, hadn't been laid in a year), and towards the end I found myself hitting up overweight single moms and black chicks on tinder looking to get a nut. Ultimately decided it would be best to just whack off, reset my mental state, and go back to nomal depression.
A confident man.
This. Prolactin hormone release from sexual activities fuck with your recovery.
Seethe harder
cope moshe
Day 42 of NoFap, definitely less anxious and less depressed.
That post-nut get you depressed and put some sort of weight on yo chest.
I feel lighter mentally and spiritually.