My gf says I'm fine how I am. I've made it.
My gf says I'm fine how I am. I've made it
Ryder Bell
Juan Russell
No just noo
Lucas Butler
Congratulations, user.
However, do you want to settle for fine? Or do you want to reach your best?
Evan Howard
i hate her ugly spic nose and forced dimple
Luke James
they don't mean this, and if you become complacent and listen to them they WILL leave you.
Michael Gonzalez
post body
Christopher Bailey
Nooo! Don't believe her. She's lying. Never stop growing, otherwise she will abandon you
Jordan Foster
Always a lie. She's just trying to drag you down to her level so she feels more secure about herself.
Mason Brown
>gf says I'm fine how I am
There are no words in the English language more harmful than "Good job"
David Jenkins
Cringe larp