
>Leaks fucking everywhere

Why are all shakers bullshit, I had like 5 different and they all leak

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...Who are you talking to?

Just drink it all lmao

I’ve never had one leak unless I was a retard and didn’t close it all the way. It was like 12$

BRO I know exactly what you are talking about, I have two shakers and they leak on the top it´s so annoying

Pic rel is what I use. It’s from matrix nutrition. Never leaked on me blends easy and don’t need a shaker ball can store like 800ml of liquid. Doesn’t stink. 10/10 would recommend

Attached: A2DC82AC-41DE-4601-AB8B-259C33E003DB.jpg (466x466, 14.61K)

Just get these. Never leak, cheaper, more appropriate size, can go in the dishwasher.

Attached: 253401.jpg (600x600, 19.29K)

Use a spoon retard

Gtfo shill, we know what ur doing

Yes I am the ceo of the company lurking on Zig Forums.

Fucking retard