>just lift bro
Just lift bro
thats how Shaniqua expresses her desire for white seed
>Just dont racist bro
Now an anti-nigger thread.
It's coming. I hope all my White brothers are prepared.
>just lift bro
>literal fucking phrenology
>words words words
Dude barely flinched. Based.
The right can't meme.
The left can't lift.
Think about it, liberals blame white for everything bad and it doesn't matter how much compassion, equality, respect and even submission you offer it will never be enough because shenanigans in the past, actions you never took part of by people you never knew dictates that you are guilty and everything you ever do is wrong and bad.
post body
take your meds schizo
You first
Your time is coming, kike.
If you are protesting the jannie being so shit, you may as well go all out and post gore and Blacked porn
what's the sauce and story behind this video? What sort of racism did the white kid say to provoke her? That video is really out of context
kek that’s what I thought. go on now, get *claps*
Wow bro you are really impressive to reject ideas that brain morphology and volume have anything to do with intelligence, that’s some really progressive stuff.
Think about it, Zig Forumscels blame jews for everything bad and it doesn't matter how much compassion, equality, respect and even submission you offer it will never be enough because shenanigans in the past, actions you never took part of by people you never knew dictates that you are guilty and everything you ever do is wrong and bad.
Notice the communists attempts at denying science by deliberately mislabeling. Class subversion. Classic Maoist play right here. Let's watch it unfold.
yes fuck jews, niggers and the jannie pond scum niggerfaggot that moderates this place
Reminder to report, hide, and sage Zig Forumssharts and their delusional race war fantasy.
Yeah but he clung to the female next to him in fear while she ignored him.
>Chicken and waffles do not make a proper meal.
>being so upset that you're forced to face your hypocrisy.
You never stood up for anything, and you will remain a loser for the rest of your life.
Maybe stop stealing memes and arguments like a toddler and people won't call you out for it.
>You never stood up for anything, and you will remain a loser for the rest of your life.
Do leftcel little boys really?
This is his fault all he had to do was kneel. Racists get what they fuckin deserve