Trap physic

How does one achieve a slim trap like body when it comes to fitness?? I know about hrt and all but what about the diet/exercise part?

Do you really just chug a bunch of basedmilk(which I heard has been proven to contain some form of estrogen)

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Pray for reincarnation

Fuck I meat basedmilk. Damm aoutocorrect

S o y milk

post feet
cow milk has more hormones, why do you think people who do ss + gomad get phat asses?

I have decent genes, people have confused me with female until I get close enough. But I was asking about how to refine and improve upon it within the fitness aspect.

Also I wouldn't exactly say that I want to be a trap, i would call it androgynous/unisex. I merely used the word trap since the word kind of sets the bodily features in people's heads when they here it.

Id burn trannies before niggers, remeber that

Post feet

trannies, kikes then niggers

Pretty much damn right.
If you have Neanderthal forehead, huge hands/feet, tall, then you are basically screwed on becoming a trap/trans.
Genetics or started blockers at insanely young age