Been slamming a fair bit of speed recently and it makes me feel great, focused and I've been doing a lot of productive shit like cleaning the house my lifts are better. Also it totally ups my libido an insane amount.
I've heard about psychosis, but it doesn't seem like I'm doing enough to get addicted or go crazy, and since I'm not doing crystal. Also its pretty cheap for a hit, since it lasts so long.
I'm not even against most drugs, I think anyone should be able to do pretty much whatever they like with their own body That being said, doing hard drugs is fucking retarded
Angel Lee
Henry Fisher
Sounds like your dealer switched your speed with roids
Nathan Moore
every single person who became an addict said these exact statements at one point.
Grayson Baker
I just don't think its nearly as addictive people make it out to be. Its only retarded if you get hooked. It makes me feel so fucking good
Evan White
Lmao this much cope, imagine needing to do speed to be a productive person and increase your lifts. Just fucking pathetic dude really, kill your degenerate self.
Isaiah Cook
HahahahhaHhahaHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA fucking idiot you think you are gonna be the excepion don't you? You know that you are saying what 99% of the retards that end up getting addicted say right? Oh bro, I just like doing it HAHAHAHA it makes me feel good but I'm not addicted HAHAHAH yes kid keep doing it, you are not addicted, you will never be ;) Source:been there donde that
Nicholas Robinson
Let's start with the good side of them; every one I know who tried them swear on their life they're amazing
Now the bad side, they're fucking worthless losers that would take the first opportunity to drag you down with them
The only use I agree with hard drugs is flushing them down the toilet
>quads of nothingness, what your life will become soon Don’t worry bro. I’m sure you will be the one exception, like those super rich Wall Street guys who do coke every day! My brother thought the same way, and we buried him.