
Post your home gyms lads.

Attached: mygym.jpg (4032x3024, 1.87M)

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Noice. Did you print out that Wojack on the flag on the wall? If so can you post the image?

Attached: wojakusa.png (2550x1650, 452.57K)

Attached: Home gym.jpg (2304x1728, 1.54M)

Thanks m8.


Attached: 20200901_071750.jpg (4032x3024, 2.93M)

>a fascist worked out today, did you?
Nice poster. Subtle troll.

Attached: 20200613_152447.jpg (465x484, 97.85K)


I'm a member of SRA and am a race realist, thanks for the motivation.

Fucking amazing

I also have kettlebells up to 50lbs not pictured.

Attached: 409E7F72-94B6-4AC2-B3FD-04E0C16B044F.jpg (4032x3024, 2.41M)