
How was the gym cunts?
What's for din?

Reminder melbourne is not part of the Federation and chairman dan is a pedo

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why does this general exist
australia was and still is a prison i feel sorry for you

>meanwhile in burgerstan gyms are shut, state mandated muzzles and getting executed in the street for wearing a hat

Back up to bodyweight (90kg) squat. 2 pl8 soon frens.

Dunno about dinner. Had salmon last night, was grouse

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My gym's open tho

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Sometimes I think America is the greatest country in the world, then I remember Australia exists.

We've got our problems but we're better off than the majority of burgerstan i reckon. Midwest and texas outside of austin seems pretty based. Coasts are fucked though

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i don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing for my arm routine. what should i change? (all exercises 3x15)
alternating dumbell curl
concentration dumbell curl
seated single arm dumbbell overload tricep extention

Dumbbell/barbell pullover is kino. Tris, chest, serratus and abs