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Is nick mullen natty?
Sebastian Miller
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Dylan Fisher
looks pretty natural in that picture. the longer i look at the shape of his delts the more natty he seems
Ryan Watson
He's like 5'2 120 and autistically starved himself on 99% ground turkey for months to cut
Isaiah Sullivan
Nick said you can do a steroid cycle and keep the gains forever
Benjamin Taylor
He's a complete idiot who doesn't have knowledge of anything other than the Simpsons. The worst part of his podcast is when he pretends he is intelligent and not a low IQ borderline retard (with joke autism) who dropped out in the 10th grade
Ayden Myers
no one asked fag
Sebastian Phillips
Big delts and traps.
Does he even train OHP?
Does he have very high T and gifted genetics for delts and traps?
I'd say very unlikely he's natty desu.
Alexander Moore
Fuck off faggot
Ayden Gomez
It's interesting because in the early podcast episodes he says you can't be buff and be a comedian, it makes you more sarcastic than funny
Ian James
Wouldnt trust that guy with anything, he seems pretty stupid. His podcast is funny tho