At what age did you stop growing?

At what age did you stop growing?
My nephew is 15yo and is 5'7. Can he reach 6'0?
His father is 5'9 and his mother is 5'5.
I don't want it to be a manlet. What steps can we take to make it grow as much as possible?
I'm 5'10 and I hate my height, I don't want him to suffer that.

Attached: height.jpg (780x676, 146.81K)

I was 6'0 at 14

>At what age did you stop growing?
23, for some reason I continued growing untill my early 20s

Don't do that user, dont give me hope.

>perfect height
Lol no, perfect is 6'1-6'4

I was 180cm when I was 18. Im 20 now and somehow 184cm, I didnt measure myself for 2 years though. Hoping ill gain another inch.

Measure yourself in the morning, you'll gain a few cm

18 and 6'4
kill me

6'1 at 18/19

>I'm young and at ideal male height, please pity me

18 maybe does anyone who is not obsessed with this actually know?


haven't grown since though

I meant it in the way that i will never be able to get big and i will always be a lanky nigga.
Not asking for pity lol

I'm 6'8 and I am indeed lord Skeletor. Usually people look at me strangely when I say I work out a lot. Such is life.

I'm 20 and still growing for some reason. At the beginning of the year I was 174 cm and today I'm 176 cm. I've had knee problems during that entire period and I still have them so I might grow a bit more.

Attached: little man.jpg (1974x2923, 899.98K)

I was 6'5 at fourteen

>My nephew is 15yo and is 5'7. Can he reach 6'0?
keep fucking dreaming
>What steps can we take to make it grow as much as possible?
feed him lots of milk, veggies, and meat

make him get lots of sleep
damn, it took me until 17 or 18 to be 6'1

at 24 I'm 6'1.5'' :^)

I was average height when I was in elementary school but I had a huge growth spurt during puberty and I'm 6'5 now. Kinda sucks though because I was never fat but got stretch marks from it. I just tell people that I lost a lot of weight and they'll think I have dedication.

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why "AAA" doucher you are a literal giant

>literally a manlet
is it over for me bros?

I'm 5'8 help me please

Fuck, i'm 19 and 5'9, i think it's over for me.

I was 4'11 at 15 and maxed out at 5'11 at 17

You remind me of my uncle. He was 5'1 at 16 and grew to be 5'9-5'10 when he turned 21.

Get Hgh.

>tfw 5'9
>gf is 6'0
I redeemed my genes, my sons will conquer the world

Attached: tyler.png (802x676, 512.93K)

6'10, feels horrible

euro version

Attached: 1598993747168.jpg (780x676, 139.6K)

At least you can play in the NBA.

Both your nephew's parents are taller than my parents and I grew to 5'10 (dad is 5'8 mom 5'2) so he should get there or atleast really close maybe.


user if you aren’t in the nba right now then you wasted your entire life

Holy moly this is the first time in my life that I've gotten qiuints.