Bar's Open

Bar is Officially Open [again]
What drink are you going to get?
So tell me Zig Forums, how was it today?
Are the weigths the heaviest things you Carry?

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Some peated whisky please. Straight.

25 with dead-end job. It feels bad since I actually went though a training program to get it and yet it was completely unnecessary and did not help me in the slightest. I was given a warning that I was going to get fired if I didn't improve. That whole situation was an year now but thinking about made me realize that everything I went out to do ended in a failure. Absolutely everything. I don't know what I can or should do. I don't have my parents for support because they gave me the shitty advice that got me here in the first place and got berated twice already. I don't have a gf since last one broke up with me over a year ago because she "didn't need me." I can't even have sex because of my Christian faith. I'm so tired and lost. I want to lift but gym memberships cost too much on my budget so all I do is calisthenics. I'm getting tired of it all.

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God I fucking miss him so much

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I don't mind these threads during the weekdays, but traditionally these are weekend only threads.

Gimme MILK!!!
Today was SLAMMIN', I fuckin did chest day and scored some numbers at uni. I have completley recouped from yesterdays breakdown and am now BACK IN THE GAME. I am afraid my disney world trip is gonna fuck up my gains tho. I'm probably gonna start a new program right after so i can ignore how bad my lifts got.

Rumor has it that our governor is going to reopen gyms tomorrow. I hope it's true because the rona has completely fucked over any gains that I was hoping to make this year.
>as always, TFW no qt3.141592 gf

Sazerac for me. I've cut back tremendously on my drinking over the past 5 years, but I'm celebrating that today I submitted a manuscript for peer-review - that makes for 3 currently under review, 2 of which I'm first author. Also got a decent leg workout in with the resistance bands I recently bought.

trying nofap but the crippling social anxiety paired with deep existential feelings of loneliness and meaninglessness only exacerbate the horniness. I can't go more than three days. about to crack, turn browser content filter off, and look at stuff i will feel awful about whether i jack off or not.

Just picked up this bad motherfucker, been looking forever to get one as my car has a literal bus steering wheel. Got it real cheap too. It's a momo tuner 320mm.

Finally starting to get over this crazy bitch I developed feelings for, we weren't exactly dating but would hang out a lot. She was such a sweet person for the longest time then one day flipped and went psycho crazy insane for absolutely no reason. Wouldnt tell me what I did/the reason why. It's just mind boggling how women can transform like that in the span of 24 hours. I swear they have the mental maturity of a 12 year old. I miss the good times we had, even though she hates me now.

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Based thread.
Tequila por favor, cheapest ya got.
24, getting phd. I did some work on my masters today, went to the gym and got 2pl8s on incline and 285 for 8 on squat which was cool.

I like making videos for youtubs and was almost done recording when my ex texted me out of the blue and sent me sad songs about our breakup... which happened two years ago. Ruined the recording session.

It was a very longterm relationship which ended for a lot of reasons. I’ve slept around since then but haven’t found anyone I’ve meshed with. When we first broke up I simped about how hard it would be to find someone else who would love me.
Now I’m not worried about that, but I can’t seem to fall in love with anyone no matter how hard I try.

I don’t even miss her, I don’t even think about her even weekly. This just reminded me that she represented something I want out of life now but can’t be fucked to pursue.

Is this what it feels like to realize you’re pathetic?

Thanks moe, I’ll take another round.