Im fucking 30 years old and this shit still appears in my forehead just end my misery.
Im fucking 30 years old and this shit still appears in my forehead just end my misery
I'm only 20 but fucking tell me about it. Get that shit on my back mostly but I just had a small outbreak on my face. Luckily the silver lining of these gay masks is that I can hide that shit
Stop washing your face, my acne went away when I stopped washing my face / touching my face.
It's this. You wash too much, your skin produces double, triple the oil that it should.
If you stop washing so much, your oil production will go back to normal.
i'm 31 and same, not gonna go away any time soon.
Pimples are horrible. Glad I don’t get them. I’m already ugly enough without them.
who cares nigga. it sucks but everyone’s gotta deal with it, even as they get older. nobody will judge you for it, and if they do they’re faggots because they probably occasionally deal with it too
all yall niggas nasty af, not washin ya face with a washcloth every night
white people have no hygeine
that's fucking retarded you get all sorts of toxicity from oral retinol and it should be a LAST RESORT to those with severe acne for whom other treatments have failed
you should start with a topical retinol, anything from an over the counter serum, to, ideally, Differin/adapalene, which is now over the counter (no doctor's prescription needed) if you live in the us, or a similar modern retinol agent (not tretinoin, it is older and less effective).
EVERYONE should take a topical retinol and remember to MOISTURIZE daily and it will reduce the formation of new acne lesions and make existing lesions far easier to remove
it would if you applied a moisturizer mixed with a topical retinol agent daily, there's just tons of misinformation and ignorance out there
yall niggas nasty af, cant even wash ya face with a washcloth every night
white people have no hygeine
need a new board /hyg/ for you nasty mothafuckers
Try a BHA like Oxy's 2% Salicylic acid (if you want to be fancy, CosRx BHA is good too) and use it at night after washing your face. It's a chemical exfoliant that helps to clear up sebum and will help with acne.
take cold showers (not hot water) and use moisturizer after everytime you wash your face
Not washing your face will just make it worse with dirt and shit sitting on your face for days. My face gets to dry and overproduces oil when I use foam washes. I get the green pump cerave shit and I can wash everyday and be fine without feeling disgusting
stupid nigger, a lot of people have acne from washing TOO often
>being too clean makes you dirty
bruh you stupid af or dysgenic af
acne comes from under the skin
blackheads are from dirt
Those pimples fucking hurt. I get them on my back
it's the stress. I also got pimples whenever stressed. 32 yrs old here.
Nah it's using face wash products with shitty ingredients which fuck it up.
Get a face wash without sodium lauryl sulfate, fragrance/perfume, menthol, alcohol and other crap (Google, the list is long). Read up on that shit on some dermatologist website.
Some ingredients with alcohol(ethanol) in its name are fine, the most often occurring alcohol jngredients you should avoid are alcohol denat, cetearyl alcohol and phenoxyethanol
Ever since I started using a face wash without harmful ingredients my face is clean.
I'm 30 and I only just learned about how important moisturizing is. Like others have said, if you only wash your face then your skin dries out and you end up producing more oil. I started using a face wash that includes a moisturizer, and I'm seeing great results.
At that age you probably just have gross habits . Eat clean, drink water, wash your face often, change your pillowcases Frequently. Hygene is your friend.
>i DO do that stuff
No you fucking dont.
It's not that you need to stop washing your face, you just need to do it less
Once in the morning is enough
I stopped getting these the moment I quit soda, chips and other salty, greasy, processed foods.
Now I only get them when I go on holiday to places where the food is sub-par. Which is everywhere on this shitty earth except a handful of Mediterranean countries, to be completely honest.
What worked for me was washing my face in the shower with cetaphil bars. They're cheap and you can grab them from anywhere. Its not soap, just antibacterial, so it doesn't dry out skin leaving it exposed. I found soap often lead me to having more issues rather than less.
After two weeks my pimples stopped. Unless my cat touches my face.
“All sorts of toxicity”, very scientific
This is retarded. OP wash your face every day, then put on extra virgin coconut oil. Avoid acne products at all costs, and stop eating shit food.
it goes away with age they said
try not drinking milk
try changing pillow covers
try that and this
I was on the same boat and not even isotretinoin helped. some antibiotics whose name escapes me right now did the trick. get your derm to prescribe you those.
look it up for yourself
oral retinol is systemically absorbed and does things beyond just dry out your skin and make your skin cells reproduce faster.
There's a reason they have STRICT rules on testing women who could be pregnant before giving them oral retinol agents.
It can affect your mental health and PERMANENTLY dry your skin in a bad way.
If you have bad skin, or have ANY ISSUE AT ALL, with your skin, start applying a moisturizer mixed with a small amount of retinol (Differin/Tazorac are best, any will do) DAILY
topical retinol daily + moisturizer = skin fixed
you haven't tried a topical retinol I bet
antibiotics and retinol do different things, if you have like severe cystic acne, yes you need an antibiotic to reduce the inflammation in those lesions, but you ALSO want to use a topical retinol agent to soften the skin and make it easier to remove existing acne lesions without damaging the skin too much, and it also reduces the formation of new acne lesions to take a retinol
and retinol fights aging, there's no reason really NOT to use it
im nearly done with my treatment, did i fuck up bros???
I'm in my late 20s and still get breakouts if I eat like shit, get stressed, and/or don't sleep minimum six to seven hours a night. If I'm healthy, I just rinse my face with water in the morning/before bed, but if my lifestyle gets shitty then I NEED to rely on those gel cleansers (salicylic acid and similarly harsh things just make it worse and inflamed imo, just get a basic gel cleanser ideally with some exfoliating bits in there)