What is your current job Zig Forums bros? How is it?

What is your current job Zig Forums bros? How is it?

This thread is not meant to be a salary pissing contest. Just curious how you balance work with lifting, and how much do you make year.

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i work at a gas station cleaning up piss and shit

Investment banker

Ill start, im a devops working for a multinational company, the typical 6 figures a year.
Its nice lifting when have been burned out and shit.

Software Dev. Its like im retired. I get up and do 30 minutes of real work. I then attend a 15 minute meeting and then im done for the day. This is all remote. I do whatever i want for the rest of the day. If i dont have plans to work out with anyone i like to go at 2.30pm as i feel energetic around then and the gym isnt busy.

Work in IT at a small local company, make about 75k working 32 hours a week. I lift during my work hours at the moment since I'm just working at home.

>mfw im literally being paid to lift
>mfw no face

Vidya qa. It's fine. I hate vidya now so a lot of personal free time fir other stuff.

im going through my mid life crisis
is it worth pursuing IT and make the big bucks?
i graduated ece and im from a thord world country pls no bully

in fedex, idk how I'm gon put in lifting into my schedule after doing this 8 hours a day.

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Spftware engineer

Cozy job at home