Military Style fitness

FUCK YOU Zig Forums
It's not really your fault but it's 5:00am and I can hear my mum crying.
My stupid asshole older brother joined the fucking military. And i'm blaming you assholes. Not that he browsed here, my brother is a normie. But i'm pissed.
It doesn't even feel like really.
Now that I'm the man of the house (18), I need to look the part.
When my brother left he was jacked.
He left today for basic training.
Any anons who know what that's like tell me what kind of work outs they do AND MORE.
I can do like one pull up.
ten push ups in a row, but I can do 50 until I hit volitional fatigue.
I've a back injury from playing football in HS
Because of covid my mum cancelled the gym membership, and I've been training calisthenics. so all I have is a pull up bar, but I asked my mum to get me a dip bar (she's yet to order it).
I've space in my room to do push ups.
I've a weighted vest I think it's only 30 pounds.
I've 25 pound dumbbells.
Also I've taken some rope and rigged a make shift cable machine.
I've some obvious muscularity but I'm a bit "husky" (as my mum puts it). and my fatness covers the muscular details. Also I want do some cardio but I fucking suck at it. I can't even run a mile without taking like 10 breaks.
I'm so bummed and I hate hearing my mum cry. My brother kept it a secret until the last day and he was just gone. I feel fuckign depressed. It doesn't even feel like reality. I'ven't slept yet and I'm just listen to edgy teen garage band music. My mum said he was going to visit in December or something, so I want to have visible improvement by then.
It feels like a fucking fever dream. I keep closing my eye and expecting to wake up. Honestly I don't know how to feel, I've never felt like this before.

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oh yeah.
all I know about the military is from the one movie with Bill Murray

You sound retarded. Are you retarded?
They don't accept retards in the military. Only slightly dumb individuals.

I'm not going into the military, retard.
I'm in college.
I'm going to graduate and buy my family a house.
>Are you retarded?
did you not see the pic in OP?

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Well, don't rack up too much debt in college. I don't know what you're studying, but consider if it's a good investment.

As for the workout, just keep doing pushups and pull ups and dumbbells curls.
But you need to do it all the time. Several times a day, until failure, every single day, non-stop, as much as you can. Every single waking hour if you can.

Then you'll have a strong upper body. Do some squats and burpees for the rest.

>Well, don't rack up too much debt in college.
My college is free because of scholarships/grants, because of my GPA in running start (a program where high schoolers can get an associates degree instead of taking high school classes and still get a diploma too).
also financial aid.
also I'm a resident.
>I don't know what you're studying, but consider if it's a good investment.
I wouldn't be going to uni unless it was for money.
>As for the workout, just keep doing pushups and pull ups and dumbbells curls.
should I eat protein supplement?
also why do pull ups get harder every time I do them?
> Do some squats
I don't want big legs

>I don't want big legs
Kek, you will not have big legs if you do not intentionally want big legs, you dummy. Getting big muscles does not just "happen".

>should I eat protein supplement?
Just eat less carbs, you don't need supplement.

Supplementation and shit is the remaining 5-10% of training, just concentrate on the remaining 90-95%.

>also why do pull ups get harder every time I do them?
Either because you're heavier, or because your arms are tired.
Doesn't matter, just keep forcing. Go, go, go, go.

Pullups, pushups, curl. All day long, every single day, don't stop.

But after I doo 100 arm curls my arms are too weak to keep going.
20 reps and 5 sets

>But after I doo 100 arm curls my arms are too weak to keep going.
Okay, then rest for an hour. Then do it again, until failure.

Don't even count how much you do, do it until you can't do it anymore.