Post your face when you hide from the mailman so you don’t have to tip him when he delivers your supplements.
Post your face when you hide from the mailman so you don’t have to tip him when he delivers your supplements
do Americans really?
>mfw I’m a mailman and they open the door to get their supps thinking I’m gone but find me waiting
>easy $5+ tip
Imagine tipping
They call it "tipping" because they're too ashamed to admit that the black mailman who steals their supplement money was the same black kid that stole their lunch money.
>Mfw on vacation when supplements come
shoo shoo mail boy
>not going to the store and asking for a free sample of a new brand every time and buying mutant anyways
Free protons breh
This is why unity is disintegrating in non homogeneous countries. People from shithole countries don’t understand that when someone does you a favor, even if it’s their job and they’re getting a paycheck, you compliment their efforts with a dollar or two.
>enjoy your shaken and broken box of supplements you shitskin
Do you only tip the USPS or do you tip the UPS and FedEx people too?
Cope tipcuck