So I remember it being a meme years ago y’all would get shredded and wear this shirt at the gym

So I remember it being a meme years ago y’all would get shredded and wear this shirt at the gym

Anybody got pics/vids?

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>So I remember it being a meme years ago y’all would get shredded and wear this shirt at the gym
>Anybody got pics/vids?

Attached: 1590977582452.jpg (425x456, 45.13K)

Thanks for the bump bro


nobody ended up getting shredded

Pretty cringe bro. Pic related is my gym shirt.

Attached: 71Pi8Jpsw0L._AC_UL1500_.jpg (1185x1500, 88.75K)

I intend to collect a shitload of brainlets/wojaks and put them into an ahegao print one of these days.
Not soijaks for obvious reasons.

Hi terry

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Licis did it, right? Funny as shit, dude's very underrated.

Please send me a link at . I want to buy one, that sounds based.