Is this the gateway to losing weight for fat people?
Peanut Butter
How so? I always thought that it has over 700+ calories/100g
But I guess it's okay if there is no additional sugar in it
it does, op is on some shit
It's about calorie intake fatass
>onr of the most calorie dense foods on the planet
>Is this the gateway to losing weight for fat people?
In this image, the top one has 600 calories while the bottom is only 300 calories
why are you bullshitting bro
Yeah this is what I don't understand about peanut butter. I am a swimmer with an ottermode body, I buy Jif and 2 tablespoons is 190 calories and that adds up fast. Is a few spoonfuls meant to satiate you or just a post-workout snack. I can eat PB like candy, but is it good calories that your body needs to burn or the type that makes you fat?
if I wanted to get fat as quickly as possible I'd eat as many jars of peanut butter as I could everyday
>not getting protein peanut butter (50g protein 500cal per 100g)
user, I..